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Top Ten - Ugly Cats


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Revelation 9:21

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21 Neither[kai][ou] repented they[metanoeo] of[ek] their[autos] murders,[phonos] nor[oute] of[ek] their[autos] sorceries,[pharmakeia] nor[oute] of[ek] their[autos] fornication,[porneia] nor[oute] of[ek] their[autos] thefts.[klemma]   KJV-Interlinear



21 and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.   NASB



When people state that the bible must be interpreted as literal, this sometimes gives them an out self-righteously such that they can say in their own heart, ‘This does not apply to me.’ And of course that is the weakest but most common excuse for people in not applying doctrine to themselves.


These terms however apply not only to the specific sins mentioned, but also to a broad range of sinful behavior, which when applied, covers all of humanity.


In the future, when the Tribulation occurs, wickedness will run unbridled and unrestrained throughout society.


Wickedness will be so intense and so thoroughly saturated throughout society, that when even half of the worlds population has died in a very short space of time, people will still hold on, to their evil beliefs and habits.


Murder is a violent crime.It terminates the life of the victim, regardless of the murder process.  Even the hordes of demon murders that will occur, as we studied in the last plague, will not convince people of the uselessness of its activity. Murder accomplishes nothing.


Not only will people disregard murder as an evil practice, but it is clear by these words that murder will increase.


‘Did not repent,’ means that the activity will continue and increase with impunity.  Likewise, sorceries, immoral behavior and dishonesty will continue without even a hiccup in change.


Sorceries, ‘pharmakeia,’ refers to many things, including demon influence, idolatry, mysticism, spiritism, satanism, and all other forms of false religion which will become pandemic by this time in history. But it also is the root word for pharmaceuticals which includes drugs, narcotics, alcoholism and various types of devices used when people try to escape reality through their use.


Drug and alcohol abuse are on the rise even in our current day, but they will be far worse in that future time.Likewise mysticism and the various forms it represents, is on the rise today, but not so publicized, and it too will be abused and over pursued in that future day.


Immoral behavior, ‘porneia,’ which leads to pornography, includes all manner of intimate abuse between married couples, between unmarried couples, in the rise of alternative life styles, in the abuse of and cheating through social misbehavior.


Thefts, ‘klemma,’ is a broad reference to dishonesty.And that includes everything from the white lies of a little child to the overt corruption of politicians.And we certainly have a blatant and overwhelming portion of political and social corruption in our current day, such that it seems that far too many folks deem it as normal (just don’t get caught).And if you do get caught, then lie your way out of it in any way you can.


In general, most folks when they do something wrong and get caught, they feel sorry and try to change.Then there are some folks that simply feel sorry about getting caught, and not feeling anything about their error.


But, when this future day arrives, society will be so fouled up that even the deaths of billions of people lying dead all around, will not have the slightest impact on their thinking.


And even though you may not think that these things apply to you, you had better re-examine your life a bit closer.If you are not pursuing your spiritual life through a daily Bible study, then you are just as guilty of depending on the world for your survival, as those folks in the future.


There is only one resource for ones life, and that is Bible doctrine.There are only two sources of external support for ones life – Bible doctrine and worldly thought.You are studying one or the other by default.You are influenced by one or the other by default.


Bible study requires an active and proactive commitment.  Subscribing to the world occurs passively and with very little effort.


We have already studied the characteristics of the end times, namely our current dispensation and specifically the end of our current dispensation. We studied this in 1, 2 Thess, and 1 Tim.Wherein, society will fail and fall dramatically into the Great Apostasy, predicted by Christ, and reiterated by Paul.


And this dramatic change in society gives us an example of just how a society can continue in their rejection of truth as their worldly plans fail time and time again, which is extremely evident today.Things are only going to get worse as time goes on, and as the generations pass by.


And as with these folks from the future, as they reject and ignore the signs of their time, so too with them, things are about to get really bad.  As though they are not bad all ready.



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