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Revelation 9:20

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20 And[kai] the rest[loipoy] of the men[anthropos] which[hos] were[apokteino] not[ou] killed[apokteino] by[en] these[tautais] plagues[plege] yet[oute] repented[metanoeo] not[oute] of[ek] the works[ergon] of their[autos] hands,[cheir] that[hina me] they should[proskuneo] not[hina me] worship[proskuneo] devils,[daimonion] and[kai] idols[eidolon] of gold,[chruseos] and[kai] silver,[argureos] and[kai] brass,[chalkeos] and[kai] stone,[lithinos] and[kai] of wood:[xulinos] which[hos] neither[oute] can[dunamai] see,[blepo] nor[oute] hear,[akouo] nor[oute] walk:[peripateo]   KJV-Interlinear



20 And the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk;    NASB



In the Bible, there are two references to the end of human history, with respect to human rule on this earth.John himself referred to his own day as the end times, and that is a reference to our dispensation which has lasted for over 1900 years now. We are in the end times era of human history.


But there is another reference, which is to the last days, which is a much shorter timeframe, namely the seven year Tribulation.So do not confuse end times, with end days or last days.


We still have a great deal of Revelation to cover.There are still events that will have occurred during those seven years prior to this particular event, which would draw any normal person to repentance.


By this time the world will have seen the worst possible devastation and suffering and hardship in the history of the world, and still leaving people surviving. In the Flood, only eight people survived.


But here, the world will be filled with billions of people who will be defiant as in no other time in history.


Over half of the worlds population will have died, and lay dying and rotting, scattered literally everywhere, and people will not notice or pay attention, nor recognize the signs of their own last days of history.


The plagues will be natural, man-made and supernatural, and they will still not see the truth.


They will have had 144,000 Jewish evangelists, Rev. 7:1-8, the two witnesses, Rev. 11:1-14, an angel in the sky, Rev. 14:6-7, and other believers, Matt 24:14, who will be giving powerful gospel teaching as in no other time in history.And yet people will still refuse to repent and turn to Christ.


They will still cling to the anti-christ, the works of their own hands, and the material things of this world.


With things falling apart, literally all around them, people will still hold on to their religions, praying to false gods, holding on to money or property or things that have grown near and dear to them, more so than the reality of the Lake of Fire into which they will soon be going (obviously losing everything). Things of this world do not follow anyone into eternity.


And false gods, false hopes, false securities, false ideas, false philosophies, and so forth, will never provide an escape from lies, or even from truth. Unfortunately those folks will be trying to escape truth. A thoroughly confused and mixed up society.


The works of their hands, gold silver, brass, stone, wood, and devils, all refer to things of this world, whether originating out of mans own ingenuity, whether manufactured out of resources from this world, or out of evil philosophy and influence.


And even though so much devastation will have occurred in the world, the governments and peoples of the world will still be gathering together to make things of war, build up military powers and then they will engage in a massive battle yet to come.


The picture is that of mans reasoning and logic as being beyond ludicrous, as the things that they place their trust in, can neither reason, nor think, nor accomplish anything.






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