Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 9:6





6 And[kai] in[en] those[ekeinos] days[hemera] shall men[anthropos] seek[zeteo] death,[thanatos] and[kai] shall[heurisko] not[ou] find[heurisko] it;[autos] and[kai] shall desire[epithumeo] to die,[apothnesko] and[kai] death[thanatos] shall flee[pheugo] from[apo] them.[autos]   KJV-Interlinear



6 And in those days men will seek death and will not find it; and they will long to die and death flees from them.   NASB



Seeking death, is because of the hopelessness of life and the pressures in life, and suicide seems to be the only viable option.


That is the logic of those who reject truth.When things have gone from bad to worse, they continue seeking even worse situations.


In this realm of our world we all live for a time and then we die. None of us were ever placed here on earth to be here forever.You can look around and never find anyone who has lived forever.


So, after life here, then what?


Well most cultures have a concept of an afterlife. The afterlife lasts forever. So, what a person needs to do is consider his options after this life.And in Christianity, there are only two options.  In all, repeat all other religions there is only one option, which is the Lake of Fire, since all other religions are false.


So that brings us back to Christianity, the only true faith, a relationship with God through Christ.


And you might note something interesting here.Throughout this book, there is no mention of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, or any other religion per se.They are all lumped into the false religion category of the anti-christ, because they are all false, just as the anti-christ is a false savior.


Look at life thus far in the Tribulation.The world is in a shambles.Since the Rapture, evil has been unleashed, unrestrained, and what do people do to restrain themselves?Nothing. They seize upon the opportunity to rob and steal and rape and pillage and murder and worse.


They reject the writing written on the wall, the signs of the times, and Christ. Christ is the focal point of everything that goes on.Christ is the common thread that runs through life, that determines where every person will end up when it is all said and done. That is true for those folks in the tribulation, and it is true for you, here and now, as it has been true for everyone since Adam.


The world in the Tribulation has been hit with failed attempts at creating a utopia. It has been hit with devastation from various sources – hail, earthquakes, volcanoes, and more. The dead are piling up, the oceans are awash with the putridness of death, the skies are filled with dust and ash, and the spiritual realm has been unleashed as never before in history.


All that people have to do, is realize that their way is not working, and that there is one hope still out there – namely Christ. But what do they do? They pursue even more destruction for themselves – death.They attempt suicide and cannot even succeed in that.


They could take about a half of a second, and think in their mind, ‘I believe in Christ.’ But they will not take the easy way out, thinking four little words.They continue resisting and resisting and resisting as their minds have been blocked by their own stubbornness of attitude.


The option for salvation is still there, because they are still alive, but they continue to resist truth.


Pharaoh was the example of this stubbornness, a very long time ago.  There are people even in our current day that pursue this course in life.But in the Tribulation, this pattern of life will reach its peak in humanity.


And the worst is yet to come.


At first people are negative, then the world is devastated, and then they are tormented, and then the sequence reveals the description of the demons. Why do you suppose this description was not mentioned first, before verse six, rather than afterwards, in the upcoming verses?



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