Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 9:5





5 And[kai] to them[autos] it was given[didomi] that[hina me] they should[apokteino] not[hina me] kill[apokteino] them,[autos] but[alla] that[hina] they should be tormented[basanizo] five[pente] months:[men] and[kai] their[autos] torment[basanismos] was as[hos] the torment[basanismos] of a scorpion,[skorpios] when[hotan] he striketh[paio] a man.[anthropos]  KJV-Interlinear



5 And they were not permitted to kill anyone, but to torment for five months; and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings a man.    NASB



A scorpion sting is rarely fatal, but it can be depending on where you are stung. The toxins released form itchy bumps around the sting area, which is hard to resist scratching, numbness sets in and can last for 24 hours or longer, even up to several weeks of discomfort. The numbness can affect the feet and arms, like when your foot falls asleep, and you cannot get the feelings back. It is difficult to focus or think clearly. But the really painful part comes when the scorpion actually stings you.That shoots a pain though the body as it reacts against the sting.


And so it is with these demons.They are not permitted to kill their victims, only to torment them.


Torment, ‘basanizo,’ means to take to the bottom, to the foot, to inflict pain such that it drives a person to the very bottom (low point of their life) or brink of what they can tolerate.  Over the brink is obviously death, but that is denied. The pain and torments of the demons are permitted to be inflicted over and over, again and again for up to five months. The effects subside quickly, so that more stings will be painful.


Remember too, that these demons are described as locusts, and locusts mass all over their victim. This is not just an occasional sting by a single scorpion, but a massive assault by untold numbers of demons crawling all over the person, doing what they do, and relentlessly.


People have no defense against them.


You cannot push them off, drive them off, drown them off, scream them off, wash them off, spray them off, or even kill them off.You cannot kill a demon-angel. They move faster than you and are tenacious and relentless in their attacks.


These demons will have no mercy, and no concern for your privacy or private body parts. Like bully’s gone wild with no restraint, they will have free reign over unbelieving humanity, tormenting people over and over, but only for five months.And then their freedom will cease.


Now, before you feel sorry for those folks, remember that it is because of their unbelief that atrocities and hate and sin and evil and crime and everything else bad, exists.None of them are innocent.They are all guilty of total corruption.


And, do not forget that those folks have an instant out.Faith in Christ.They have the 144,000 evangelists, and most likely more sources of hearing the gospel.But they will refuse to think one simple thought, ‘I believe in Christ.’  How much effort can there be in making that faith commitment? Four little words.



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