Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.

Top Ten - Ugly Cats


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Revelation 9:7





7 And[kai] the shapes[homoioma] of the locusts[akris] were like[homoios] unto horses[hippos] prepared[hetoimazo] unto[eis] battle;[polemos] and[kai] on[epi] their[autos] heads[kephale] were as it were[hos] crowns[stephanos] like[homoios] gold,[chrusos] and[kai] their[autos] faces[prosopon] were as[hos] the faces[prosopon] of men.[anthropos]  KJV-Interlinear



7 And the appearance of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle; and on their heads, as it were, crowns like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men.    NASB



In these next few verses, John uses terms ‘appeared to be’ and ‘like’ to approximate the appearance of the demons.


Creatures that have not been seen by man, and certainly not anything that you and I have seen in our day, will be filling the skies with their hordes, and tormenting billions of unbelieving peoples across the world.


And that is something to consider here.Remember that the Tribulation is future.If it does not happen for another century, then the population of the world could very well be around fifty billion people.Assume that you lose ten-percent for believers at the Rapture, and then one-fourth dying for mans failed utopia, that still leaves thirty to thirty-five billions of people remaining on the earth.Some will be believers, but most will by far be unbelievers.  That means a lot of demons, tormenting a lot of people for five months.The demons will outnumber people by quite a lot.


Even if we use the population numbers of today, that still amounts up to a lot of demons.


How do we know this? Because they are described as locusts (hordes with massive numbers darkening the skies).


But worse than that they are described as horses prepared for battle. They are warlike, powerful, and defiant, like horses straining at the bit and pawing the ground in their eagerness to charge forward on their mission of death. Joel 2:4-5.


They have crowns like gold on their heads. The victory crown, ‘stephanos.’ Not real crowns, but the attitude of invincibility, unstoppable, all conquering, certain victory. People will have no defense, no weapon to use against them.The demons will be unstoppable.


They will have faces like men. They are not men, but they are not insects either. They are intelligent and rational, and being demons, full of absolute hate.


We have two more verses of descriptions before we can really understand the nature of the demons and the torment that they will really bring.



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