Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 6:1b





1 And[kai] I saw[eido] when[hote] the Lamb[arnion] opened[anoigo] one[mia] of[ek] the seals,[sphragis] and[kai] I heard,[akouo] as it were [hos] the noise[phone] of thunder,[bronte] one[heis] of[ek] the four[tessares] beasts[zoon] saying,[lego] Come[erchomai] and[kai] see.[blepo]     KJV-Interlinear



1 And I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, "Come."    NASB



Today, our men and women of the 41st Infantry Brigade, returned from their tour of duty in Iraq. Our boy was among them and we celebrate with tremendous happiness and pride at his service, but especially his return. Of the two tours that the 41st served, the first being in 2004 and the second ending their 2009-2010 tour, we have had to give to the Lord a total of eleven of our finest. Nine the first time, and two this most recent tour of duty.


The Bible speaks of five crowns for those who exemplify themselves in unusual circumstances.And to those who leave this world prematurely, the Crown of Life applies to them.


Crowns are very special awards, given to very special people, and they are promised from God to those who give freely of themselves for the benefit of others.All too often people are taken from this world at a very young age. And especially in times of war and conflict, whether it applies to a soldier in battle, a police officer in the community, or an infant child that simply cannot thrive in this world in the battle for life, there comes a time when the ultimate sacrifice is called for.


Through no fault of their own, life sets in motion many sets of circumstances that are far beyond their control. And the maximum payment of ones life is called due.


While we will mourn the loss of our loved ones, God acknowledges them in heaven with one of the highest honors that can be bestowed on anyone.Our loss becomes their tremendous victory which will last for all of eternity.


Today we celebrated the return of 2900 men and women who served with honor, and heard their heroic tale of the pursuit of a runaway tire, that decided to roll away, down a very, very, very, very long downhill road, while being pursued by six or seven of our finest, who completed their mission by its capture (actually it stopped rolling and fell over). They resisted the temptation of calling in an air strike against the elusive wheel, but did address the tire with some very colorful and appropriate words of reprimand.


And, with a more serious note, we remember the two who served with the highest honor, and are now with the Lord.


Sometimes it takes the humor mixed with the heartbreak, to remind us of the very real seriousness and extremes of life that we all must face in this world.


As we observe the world around us, we can see a phenomenal indifference toward God and reality, with attitudes of truth being replaced with attitudes of great disregard for anything beyond what we can see, feel, hear, smell, or taste.And the spiritual has fallen off the scope of life, leaving a very blind society, totally unprepared for what is really coming.


Tomorrow, we begin our study of that which God has revealed to us, concerning events just over the horizon, and certain to come.



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
