Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 6:1c





1 And[kai] I saw[eido] when[hote] the Lamb[arnion] opened[anoigo] one[mia] of[ek] the seals,[sphragis] and[kai] I heard,[akouo] as it were [hos] the noise[phone] of thunder,[bronte] one[heis] of[ek] the four[tessares] beasts[zoon] saying,[lego] Come[erchomai] and[kai] see.[blepo]     KJV-Interlinear



1 And I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, "Come."    NASB



The seals on the scroll, represent the security of the details of future events.  On the scroll is recorded the details of those events.The scroll was written in eternity past and was not to be revealed to anyone until the end times.


Our Church Age is the period of the end times (a lengthy period of time – 1980 years thus far, and counting), while the Tribulation is the period of the last days (a shorter time frame – seven years).


The mention of the four living beasts and what they represent in contrast with human effort, is the point in this chapter.


Recall that the faces on the four beasts were the lion, ox, man, and eagle.Each representing several things, but primarily strength or majesty for the lion, and then service and endurance for the ox, and then vision or far sightedness for the eagle, and finally reason for the man.


And though each of these beasts are not identified, the broken seal of which they speak serve to contrast the contents of the seal, with each of the beasts.


The beasts, or more correctly named, the essence of life, are from God.The contents revealed from behind the seals, are from humanity. While man tries to imitate or surpass God (Satan wanted to be ‘like the most high’), the revelation of the final days of history will demonstrate that mans efforts will only lead to massive suffering and doom.


The first of the seals is removed, and the first living beast speaks and sounds like thunder.


Thunder is representative of several things. First it represents Gods presence. Second it represents overwhelming power.Third it is an indicator of a storm coming or already here. And fourth, it represents a force that is beyond your control.


The first living beast speaks, and says, ‘Come.’ And this simply means, the end has begun.Come and see it.


When you go to a play, and are standing out in the lobby, you will usually hear a sound, perhaps music, or perhaps an announcement that the play is about to begin or resume.


We have already seen the preparation in heaven in chapters 4-5.Now, planet earth is ready, and now, with the first broken seal, the final act of human rule begins.




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