Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.

Top Ten - Ugly Cats


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Revelation 6:1a





1 And[kai] I saw[eido] when[hote] the Lamb[arnion] opened[anoigo] one[mia] of[ek] the seals,[sphragis] and[kai] I heard,[akouo] as it were [hos] the noise[phone] of thunder,[bronte] one[heis] of[ek] the four[tessares] beasts[zoon] saying,[lego] Come[erchomai] and[kai] see.[blepo]     KJV-Interlinear



1 And I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, "Come."    NASB



We have just completed our study of what things will be like in heaven, immediately prior to the beginning of the judgments of the Tribulation (the unsealing of the scroll).


We need to make a very quick review of how life will be back on earth, at the time immediately prior to and at the time of the Rapture.


And briefly, Jesus has already told us that it will be just like the time in Noah’s day, immediately prior to the flood, and even right up until the time when Noah and his family boarded the Ark.


People were basically indifferent and did not care nor even consider the signs of their times.


Then disaster struck with the flood and everyone died.


That is the power of arrogance. It makes you ignore truth.It makes you ignore facts. It blinds you to the events that are going on around you.It makes you think that life is going to continue on and on without any significant changes as far as you are concerned.


For over a hundred years, Noah was building the ark, and preaching the end is near.Everyone knew what was going on as far as the ark was concerned. Everyone knew that the rains were coming and that a flood was going to wipe out life.But then no one had ever seen rain prior to the rain for the flood, as the earth was watered with mists and springs.So they scoffed at the idea of volumes of water sitting high up in the sky on nothing but air.


What a silly idea.


Life went on as before. Noah constructed the ark, people got married, partied, went to work and did whatever they did on a daily basis as though nothing significant was going on in the world.


And so it will be during the final generation of the Church Age.Life will go on as though nothing significant will be on the horizon as far as history is concerned.Marriages will occur, babies will be born, people will party and work and plan their retirement, etc., etc., etc.Just as they are doing in our present day.


However, Jesus, and others, gave us a significant list of things that were going to occur as history approached the time of the Rapture.And though we do not know its exact date, we can look at history and see that it is indeed approaching.


The list includes things like the rise of incompetent leaders, a population explosion, a technology explosion, conflict, a rise of apostasy, and many more things.  I will not list them all here, you can go to the Bible study library and get the list from the List Library.


The rise of unqualified leaders and the rise of a great apostasy will be the two primary ingredients that will pave the way for the anti-christ coming into power, once believers are removed from the world via the Rapture.


With unqualified leaders comes economic hard times and other hardships in the world.With an apostate population, the lack of and indifference toward truth, will serve to lead them to want and even pursue anyone who promises ‘change’ or ‘reform’ or a ‘solution’ to their problems.


And remember that apostasy is the rejection of truth and all of the principles that accompany truth, so every principle of truth will be resented, rejected, and attacked with a fervor by leaders, by the media, and by the general population.


Some of the fundamental principles of truth besides Christ and the Gospel, are volition, freedom, marriage, family, free enterprise, nationalism and so forth. These will be systematically dismantled by concepts of government regulation and decision making processes for you, loss of freedoms, alternate lifestyles, socialism, internationalism (one world government, one monetary system), and so forth.


Even today we see a phenomenal push for health care and global warming, both of which are to be decided by the governments of the world.Both of which put the decision making in the hands of an elite few, and leaving the general population at their mercy. And if you do not comply, then you are punished, penalized, bankrupted, losing all you have.


God established the divine laws of establishment to prevent just such atrocities.All of humanity has to have boundaries within which they can function, so that humanity can continue with some semblance of normalcy in this devils world.But when you remove the boundaries, when you remove conscience, legitimate laws that protect rights, constitutions, freedoms and liberties and private ownership, then you open up the door for tyranny and atrocities.


The world will believe that it is headed for prosperity and better times, even in the face of statistics proving that it is not.


The Bible teaches that the world is headed toward its own horrible self extinction.


And so, while the band plays on and people dance their way into the delusion of the world, in heaven the scene is opening up with another view of history and destiny.  And that destiny is the truth which will stop evil and save humanity.


It was written in eternity past. People are aware of it. And humanity will walk right into their own demise, with their eyes wide open (with indifference).


You should want to be on the side the winner, and not on the side of the loser, and your daily Bible study (or lack of it) will determine where you will end up.



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