Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 5:14





14 And[kai] the four[tessares] beasts[zoon] said,[lego] Amen.[amen] And[kai] the four[tessares] and twenty[eikosi] elders[presbuteros] fell down[pipto] and[kai] worshipped[proskuneo] him that liveth[zao] for[eis] ever[aion] and ever.[aion]     KJV-Interlinear



14 And the four living creatures kept saying, "Amen." And the elders fell down and worshiped.    NASB



The four beasts, as we have already studied, represent the essence, the very foundation of life. Supporting and integrated throughout the throne of God, which exists across and throughout all that exists, life (and truth) stands in awe and awaits the final outcome of history, recognizing that Christ alone in His role as the Son of God and Savior of the world, and executer of all of history, is well qualified, and certainly the only qualified person to bring history to its proper and best conclusion.


The four, sing ‘Amen’ over and over again, and do so forever.Amen means believe it, it is so, let it be, it will happen.For God (Christ) controls history and He will control history even as it unfolds throughout all of eternity.


The twenty-four elders, humans already crowned and glorified as of this point in time, prior to the unsealing of the scroll, and therefore representing the resurrected church of our dispensation (the Old Testament believers will receive their resurrection at the Second Advent, which is at the end of the Tribulation).


The elders fall down before Christ, prostrating themselves, in total submission and recognition of His glory and qualifications, authority, sovereignty, and power, and will continue to recognize Christ forever, by maintaining this attitude and belief, forever.


There will never ever again be a time when arrogance or evil will raise its head in opposition to truth.


We, of the dispensation of the Church Age, are royal family.We, of the dispensation of the Church Age, are ambassadors.We, of the dispensation of the Church Age, are high priests. We, of the dispensation of the Church Age, hold the position of adult first-born sons, and possess all of the rights and privileges that belong to that distinction, as heirs jointly with Christ, of all that He possesses (which is everything).


For a detailed list of all of the blessings that are unique to us for this dispensation, visit the ‘Blessings List’ from the special study library on the web site.


At the conclusion of our dispensation, Christ will ‘rapture’ us (all Church Age believers, since the time of the Cross) up out of this world, and will gather us up in the air, where we will all be instantly be transformed into our resurrection bodies


Our first act in resurrection will be what in theology is called, the ‘great genuflex,’ where we will all bend our knees and bow our heads to Christ’s authority.And from there we will parade off to heaven, while back on the earth, all those who refused to believe in Christ (unbelievers) will remain behind for the unfolding of the seven year Tribulation.


We have already studied Christ’s promise to us, that we will not endure the events of the Tribulation, therefore the Rapture.However, there is one more reason for our Rapture, and that is because when a final declaration of war is about to be issued, all ambassadors are typically recalled home, from the enemy country, and that is exactly what occurs with us. We are recalled, or removed from the country (from the world), immediately prior to the Tribulation.


In heaven we will receive our glorification at the Judgment Seat of Christ, and we will be witness to the unsealing of the final events and judgments of history.


Once we are in heaven, we being the royal family, then all of heaven, all of creation, will recognize the inevitability of  Christ’s victory, and that is what we see in the final verses of chapter five.


The foundation of life will sing. The elders (us) will join in, in our praise, all the angels will join in, and all of creation will join in, as the obvious outcome is about to be revealed and accomplished.


If you have ever been to some sporting event, in which your side is winning and as the end of the event draws near, and as it is obvious that your side will be the winner, what happens? The cheers, the singing, the shouting, all begin and the roar grows and grows as the end approaches.


This is what will occur when we arrive in heaven, and the outcome of history will now be clear and obvious to all.


Today, the nations are struggling to create a one world government, with benefits for all.  One elite (small) group to rule (not govern), and the rest of us to serve.


And as you strive to make a living for yourself from day to day, with a mixed bag of successes and failures, hopes and frustrations, maybe paying attention to the politics or media of the day, or maybe not, there is a greater plan unfolding in heaven, which will one day send this world into a tailspin, that will boggle the minds of everyone.


Especially those who do not expect it, or refuse to believe all of this stuff.


Our dispensation is one of historical trends, examples of things to come.Our one and only prophecy is that of the Rapture. Everything else that occurs during our time, is merely the setting or arranging of the stage, for the last and final seven years of human rule.


Humanity wants to set up a one world utopia, but humanity cannot even control earthquakes or volcanoes which have proven recently, that they can thoroughly disrupt and ruin lives on a massive scale. And yet not many pay attention.


And so life will continue day to day, with folks indifferent toward the greater truth of reality and history. And then one day, which we studied in chapter one, Christ, whose arm holds tightly the lever of history, will throw that lever, and then things will begin to happen so fast, that a spinning head will not be able to keep up.



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