13 And[kai] every[pas] creature[ktisma] which[hos] is[esti] in[en] heaven,[ouranos] and[kai] on[en] the earth,[ge] and[kai] under[hupokato] the earth,[ge] and[kai] such as[hos] are[esti] in[epi] the sea,[thalassa] and[kai] all[pas] that are in[en] them,[autos] heard I[akouo] saying,[lego] Blessing,[eulogia] and[kai] honour,[time] and[kai] glory,[doxa] and[kai] power,[kratos] be unto him that sitteth[kathemai] upon[epi] the throne,[thronos] and[kai] unto the Lamb[arnion] for[eis] ever[aion] and ever.[aion] Â Â Â KJV-Interlinear
13 And every created thing which
is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all
things in them, I heard saying, "To Him who sits on the throne, and to the
Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever." Â Â Â NASB
We are nearing the end of the opening vision of
John’s peek into heaven, where the stage is now set for the conclusion of
history and the final judgment and removal of evil for all time.
And while all of this may seem to be nothing more
than a writing of adventure in fiction, and the reality of its truth seems far fetched, it is exactly what awaits human history in the
probably very near future.
Today, we are busy coming and going in our
lives.We go to work and come home. We
plan our social life and entertainment and all that we do from day to day, and
week to week.And we plan around that
which surrounds us in our daily life.We
get by.We pray. And we wait and wonder if it is all real, or just wishful thinking. And we wait some more.
Many folks look to various fantasies or escapes, or
invented beliefs, to help them cope with life.Â
Many folks become disconnected from life and can’t deal with it at all.
Most just become indifferent and go about their
daily life not thinking much about tomorrow let alone eternity.
It is all so … future.
And besides it is easy to pretend for appearance
sake, just so folks won’t think ill of you.Â
But deep inside, you don’t really believe all of this. And how do we
know?Because you do not
commit yourself to a daily study.Â
You don’t have the deep desire or passion to learn and delve into the
deeper wisdom which God provides for you, but you just don’t see it.
Today we should be able to look at the world and
maybe wonder why there have been so many disasters in just the last couple of
months alone.Earthquakes have killed tens
of thousands, and a single volcano and disrupted an entire continent. Nor have we paid attention to the efforts to
limit individual freedoms by various nations around the world. And these are little things as far as nature
and politics go.At
least for now.
But our day goes on and the next day goes on and
nothing changes in our attitude toward God.Â
After all He doesn’t answer any or all of those prayers you have been
submitting throughout your life.But
then, you have not knuckled down to a daily study of His Word as He
where is the problem here?
But there will come a time when all of creation,
every living, breathing thing, will bow down to Christ, after recognizing that
there is a vast reality beyond that which surrounds us, and of which will
disappear, and make way for something that even you cannot and do not even
begin to perceive.
He who sits on the throne is Jesus Christ. The lamb represents His work in salvation in
our behalf.And we in the Church Age, are the recipients and evidence of His completed and
successful work and plan.
Will you wake up and begin to smell the truth of
life, now?Or, will that happen only
after you leave this world?
34 Let heaven and earth praise Him, The seas and
everything that moves in them. Â Â Â NASB
6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord! NASB
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