His[autos] head[kephale] and[kai] his hairs[thrix] were white[leukos] like[hosei] wool,[erion] as white[leukos] as[hos] snow;[chion] and[kai] his[autos] eyes[ophthalmos] were as[hos] a flame[phlox] of fire;[pur]Â Â KJV-Interlinear
14 And His head and His hair were
white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire; Â Â NASB
Jesus Christ is the source of our spiritual
empowerment.He is the source of our
intercession with God.And now Jesus
Christ is the source of our purification.
Pertinent representations of this appearance are
found in Dan. 7:9, where we have the description of the Ancient of Days, in Isa.1:18,
where scarlet sins have been turned white, Dan. 6:10 where eyes of flame are
In all of these descriptions, Jesus Christ is
described as God, with omnipotent power and authority, to control and judge
over all of history.
The whiteness described is symbolic of purity and
authority, of one wise and full of knowledge, and of one who has been through
the fires of extreme judgment and pressure, and has survived.
The eyes of fire indicate Gods righteousness and
authority to judge fairly and accurately.
Snow indicates the whitest of whites, a brilliant
white.The flames indicate the extreme brilliance
of color in the hottest of fires.
And by His sacrifice, by His judgment, by His
garments of the High Priest, all of these things indicate His role as the one
and only authority, who purchased the
means for the purification of His church, in among which He stands, for there
is no other who possesses the same attire.
Other religions, other philosophies, other belief
systems ignore or reject Christ, or relegate Him to some lowly role in history.
However, as this book opens up, we are introduced
to the one and only individual around whom history revolves.
We are introduced to the one and only person of
whom most of the world ignores, even though it is Jesus Christ who controls
history and the destiny of every living soul.
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