13 And[kai] in[en] the midst[mesos] of the seven[hepta] candlesticks[luchnia] one like[homoios] unto the Son[huios] of man,[anthropos] clothed with a garment[enduo] down to the foot,[poderes] and[kai] girt[perizonnumi] about[pros] the paps[mastos] with a golden[chruseos] girdle.[zone]Â Â KJV-Interlinear
13 and in the middle of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed in a robe
reaching to the feet, and girded across His breast with a golden girdle. Â Â Â NASB
In the middle of the lamps, the Completed Church,
John saw Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is continually moving among the
members of the Church, His Royal Family.
Christianity, worships a living God, not a martyr,
not a rock or some other inanimate object.Â
And though Jesus went to the Cross, He did so to pay the price for or
sin and to defeat death, which He accomplished.
And though He is currently in Heaven, He is always
with us, and has promised to never leave us, ever, Matt. 28:20, John 14:18, 23,
Heb 13:5.
His presence among us, through doctrine, which we
have the opportunity to learn, to understand, and to possess, serves to empower
us, so that we can do things through Christ, that no one could ever accomplish
through the world, Phil. 4:14.
The lamps surround Jesus Christ, the son of man,
his title for the savior of the world, the messiah, the source of all life.
That is our focus, Jesus Christ.None of
us are in the center ring, only Christ.Â
We remain on the perimeter observing the source of our existence.
Wearing a robe to His feet, the robe of the High
Priest. Only the High Priest wore a robe, the sign of His rank in the Priesthood,
the key and only means of access to God.Â
No man can come to the Father, except through Jesus Christ. No other
religion in this world can gain access to God.Â
No other philosophy in this world can gain access to God, nor can it
define god or manufacture its own god.
Wrapped around His chest and waist is a wide golden
belt, the belt of rank, of authority.Â
The belt of the King of kings.Â
The High Priest wore such a belt.
Examples of Royalty or people of rank who wore long
flowing robes, Isa 6:1, the kings of Midian, Judg.
8:26; Jonathan, 1 Sam. 18:4; Saul, 1 Sam 24:4; Ahab and Jehoshaphat, 1 Kings
22:10; Esther, Est 5:1;) and prophets 1 Sam 28:14.
However, the word for robe, was used most often in
connection with the robe worn by the High Priest. And that is the picture of Christ’s role
here, as our great High Priest.The
girdle or belt across the chest was worn by the High Priest only, Ex 28:4; Lev
This is a picture of the intercession by Christ, between
God (the Father) and man. He is our only access to real opportunity, our only
access to God.
The book of Hebrews, has an extensive study of
Christ as the High Priest, our sacrifice, our redeemer, and who presently sits
at the right hand of the Father, Rom 8:33-34, Heb. 2:17-18, Heb 3:1, Heb. 4:14-15,
Heb 7:25, Heb 9:11-12 .
Jesus Christ empowers. Jesus Christ
intercedes.It is through Jesus Christ
that all things will be made available to us, and through no one, and nothing
else in this world.
Other religions ignore or reject Christ, or make
Him out to be a mere man or prophet, mis-stating His
role in history.
But it is Jesus Christ who controls history, and
who reveals in this book, just where history is headed. It is Jesus Christ who controls your life,
and reveals through this Bible, just what you will be (complete) if you apply
yourself, or what you will be (nothing and incomplete) if you do not.
Look around you.Â
Is there more in this world than you have in your life? Is there anything
better?And the answer is, ‘Yes.’
History is centered around
Jesus Christ.Circling Him is His
Church, His body of believers.And where
are all of the unbelievers?Nowhere to
be found.
Look at the world.Â
Who is running things?Â
Unbelievers or negative minded believers, more or less. They are hustling and legislating and trying
to create a perfect world, or they are trying to secure their own power at everyone
else's expense. The ultimate result of their efforts (total disaster) is
revealed later in this book, but you would never know it by the actions and
attitudes in society.
However, you as a believer in Christ are included
in His family.You are royalty of the
highest order.You are a most valued
person, an individual set apart from all of the world.
You have a destiny of phenomenal value, of
intrinsic value, but that destiny will only be yours, if you get serious about
your Bible study and become consistent and dedicated to your daily Bible study.
I can only write these studies, in order to help you
to win the biggest opportunity of your life.Â
I cannot reach out through your computer screen, grab you by the noise,
and pull you back through to the study web site, and force you to read and
Somewhere along the way, you have to find within
yourself, the desire, and passion, the motivation to do that on your own.
There is nothing more valuable in all of the world, throughout all of history, and it (your
spiritual life) is readily available to you, if you will only want it.
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