15 And[kai] his[autos] feet[pous] like[homoios] unto fine brass,[chalkolibanon] as[hos] if they burned[puroo] in[en] a furnace;[kaminos] and[kai] his[autos] voice[phone] as[hos] the sound[phone] of many[polus] waters.[hudor] KJV-Interlinear
15 and His feet were like
burnished bronze, when it has been caused to glow in a furnace, and His voice
was like the sound of many waters. NASB
Jesus Christ is the source of our spiritual
empowerment.He is the source of our
intercession with God.Jesus Christ is
the source of our purification.Jesus
Christ is the authority and sovereign over all life.
Feet of fine bronze. His feet stand on doctrine, on the foundation
which is immovable.The bronze is fine
and has all the impurities removed from it.
The Cross cleansed out all the sins of the world, thus giving us a firm
footing in doctrine on which we can stand.
The furnace burns out all the impurities of the bronze, eliminating all
the impurities, the clay of the weaknesses of mankind. Providing the unique union of the clay,
humanity, and the gold, deity, into the united unique person of Jesus Christ,
the bronze feet purified.
Brass, is used in Scripture as the symbol of what
is firm, strong, and lasting, such as:gates
of brass, Ps 107:16, hoofs of brass, Mic 4:13, walls
of brass, Jer 1:18; 15:20, mountains of brass, Dan
Brass can also be used as symbolism for sin and its
hardness, obstinacy, insensibility, as in the brow of brass, Isa 48:4; of the wicked, they are brass and iron, Jer 6:28, of sinful Israel, all of them are brass, Ezek 22:18.
But here of course, brass of feet, symbolizes the walk
of Christ, His journey through the tests and trials of life, of righteousness,
of justice and judgment.And His life
has proven to be free from all impurities, and through Christ, and through
doctrine within our soul, our life can be made pure and free of impurities.
He has the voice of many waters. His voice resembles the sound that gains
attention, truth, doctrine. The voice of authority, of power, of truth,
of dominion over all of creation.
Christ's voice carries with it a broad spectrum of knowledge and wisdom,
from the creation details and components of this universe, the things we can
see, and feel, and touch, and taste, and smell.
And the things we cannot see, and feel, and touch, and taste, and
smell.The spiritual things of doctrine,
wisdom, truth and the realities of life.
Many waters is a reference
to the sound of the waves of the ocean, crashing on the shore. It is impossible to hear above the roar, as
the voice of Christ, the voice of doctrine is the ultimate authority throughout
the universe.
One cannot set aside His authority. One cannot set aside the laws of physics, of
gravity, of the weather, of life and death.
Man and even angel in all of their innovation and knowledge, cannot
change or alter even the most fundamental rules of life.
And even as man tries to
invent and better society, economies, social relations, when man departs from
the fundamental laws of divine establishment, then all of mans efforts always
And even more important is the affect of Bible
doctrine in life. It is the ultimate
immovable truth, that nearly everyone tries to change,
or set aside, or modify to suit their own personal conveniences. And as we get nearer to the descriptions of the
seven churches, we will see, how most of Christianity
fails in their spiritual lives.
most of Christianity is indifferent or uncommitted to the hard realities of
truth, wanting instead to pursue the entertainment of their emotions rather
than the edification of their soul.And
this is something that most folks just do not want to hear or listen to.
Why do most young people fail in school? Because they prefer their social life, the
beat of their music, the mindless hobbies or habits that require virtually no
effort or thought.And is it any
different in the spiritual life?
And the roar of Christ, of truth, which is all
around us in proofs of life and death, of responsibility and accountability, of
decisions and their repercussions, of maturity and its
just reward.
Who will step forward and seize the opportunities
that God has set before us?Not many.
Most won’t try. Most don’t care. Many will start out hot but fade. And many
will barely warm up to the demands of doctrine.
Most do not see what the big deal is.
Most do not accept the importance of doctrine in their life.
Very few will stick it out through thick and thin,
all of the way through ones life. That is the really tough part, because God will
test your resolve and commitment to Him. Most fail, even when God provides you with the
means of success.
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