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1 And[kai] there was given[didomi] me[moi] a reed[kalamos] like[homoios] unto a rod:[rhabdos] and[kai] the angel[aggelos] stood,[histemi] saying,[lego] Rise,[egeiro] and[kai] measure[metreo] the temple[naos] of God,[theos] and[kai] the altar,[thusiasterion] and[kai] them that worship
[proskuneo] therein[en].[autos] KJV-Interlinear
1 And
there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, "Rise
and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and those who worship in it. NASB
The Temple has always
been associated with the Age of Israel, and never the dispensation of our
current Church Age.
In history, there have
been, or will be, six Temples. Solomon built the first, Zerubbabel
built the second after the exile, Herod built the third during the First Advent
of Christ, and the Lord Himself will build the sixth during the Millennium, Ezek
40-48; Hag 2:9; Zech 6:12-13.
The fifth temple will be
constructed during the Tribulation.
There is no Temple
building per se in eternity, for Christ is the Temple and He will be indwelling
each and every believer forever. So the temple will be in each one of us
The Temple layout
included an outer court, called the Court of the Gentiles, an Inner Court where
all of the people assembled to observe the sacrifices. The separation of these
two courtyards, separated symbolically, unbelievers
who were in the outer court and who had not yet believed in Christ, and of whom
had not yet entered the inner court where believers assembled.
The inner courtyard
included the brazen alter where the sacrifices were held, and the laver where
the washing representing confession was represented, and the Tabernacle.
Also within the inner court
is the Tabernacle with its outer room and inner room. There is a chart on the web
site. Go to the charts and maps in the Library menu and then select the
Tabernacle chart. The inner room also represents the closest personal
relationship with God through Christ (spiritual maturity), and the courtyard
where most believers will stand, representing the masses of saved but immature believers
who chose to not advance in their spiritual lives.
During the Tribulation,
the Temple will be rebuilt on its original site. There is a Muslim Temple
currently on that site. When the Temple
reconstruction will begin is not specified in the scriptures, however, here in
our passage, John is now told to measure the Temple. This is a completed
Temple. The Temple will be completed at the mid-point of the Tribulation,
wherein the anti-christ will blaspheme the newly
consecrated temple by recognizing not Christ, but some other false god.
It is at this mid-point
in the Tribulation that God sends a final warning to all believers to run for
the mountains. Don’ t
stop, don’ t pause, don’t go home to get anything, but go to the mountains and
do not look back for even an instant.Â
The mid-point begins the period of the ‘Great Tribulation,’ as described
by Jesus. And it will be from that point
that the greatest of atrocities from man, and judgments from God, will begin to
unfold. Each increasing with ever increasing violence until
the very end of the Tribulation.
Johns measurement is not
one used in construction, but one used in the taking of an inventory of ones possessions.
God owns the Temple. God
owns the Temple and all who are in it.Â
That means that God is instructing John to measure the occupants of the finished
Temple to symbolize that all are present.Â
God knows the believers. God
knows all who belong to Him. God is
herein telling us that He has and is keeping track of those who belong to
Him. No believer will be lost.
We are between Trumpets
six and seven. We are in a pause. The seven thunders have or will soon reveal
their secrets. And soon the seventh
trumpet will sound and release the seven bowl judgments which will release a
series of non-stop judgments that will not end until Armageddon and the Second
Advent of Christ.
This should make it clear
that humanity will keep on rejecting Christ right up and until that final world
battle and His return. Humanities
rejection and evil will increase and the judgments will increase in intensity
until the final event.
But in all of the chaos,
God knows who belongs to Him and He will not lose even a single person.
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