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Revelation 10:11

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11 And[kai] he said[lego] unto me,[moi] Thou[se] must[dei] prophesy[propheteuo] again[palin] before[epi] many[polus] peoples,[laos] and[kai] nations,[ethnos] and[kai] tongues,[glossa] and[kai] kings.[basileus] KJV-Interlinear



11 And they said to me, "You must prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings." NASB



This chapter represents a pause after the sixth trumpet and prior to the sounding of the seventh trumpet. It is mixed with the wonderfulness of Gods blessings and the bitterness of the repercussions of mans rejection of Gods savior and of Gods well defined spiritual life.


And now John is given a second command to write the details of the visions that he is about to see. Visions that will be far more devastating and horrifying than anything written thus far.


And so John is commanded to write and distribute this book, which he is writing, to all of the peoples of the world, both in his contemporary day, and to all peoples in the future, up and until the Tribulation occurs, and even during.


Today, all of these future events probably seem too bizarre or distant, met for someone else. Today we have disasters but they seem to be elsewhere in the world. Today we have many movies and sci-fi things that tend to desensitize society against horrible things, making them less scary, common place, or even surreal.


And so society tends to not take these things seriously. But, even though society is pursuing a tune of their own making, it is the responsibility of every person to learn and make known these things in truth, and not through exaggerated hysteria.


If the Rapture were to occur today, then people alive today will be caught up in the most horrific events in all of human history, over the course of the next seven years.


If the Rapture does not occur for another century, we still have our obligation to learn of and teach the next generation(s), with the hope that some will heed the gospel and believe, and that some will heed doctrine and grow up, and or survive those fateful future years.



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