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7 But[alla] in[en] the days[hemera] of the voice[phone] of the seventh[hebdomos] angel,[aggelos] when[hotan] he shall begin[mello] to sound,[salpizo][kai] the mystery[musterion] of God[theos] should be finished,[teleo] as[hos] he hath declared[euaggelizo] to his[heautou] servants[doulos] the prophets.[prophetes]
7 but
in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, then
the mystery of God is finished, as He preached to His servants the prophets. Â Â Â Â NASB
The seventh angel is
about to sound his trumpet, the seventh trumpet. This is the last and final trumpet announcing
that, that which was foretold, has now arrived.
And with this seventh and
final trumpet, the complete mystery of God will be finished.
So what is the
mystery? History, its
origin, its purpose, its conclusion.
Throughout the
scriptures, God has revealed many things and from many of them certain aspects of
life and history have been withheld. For
most folks who have lived their lives, or who are currently living their lives,
or who will live their lives in the future (I am speaking from our point of
view now), then because they have not learned doctrine, they therefore are
lacking in their understanding.
If you have not studied
and learned something, then you simply cannot understand it.
When people die and go to
the next phase of their life, their eyes are immediately opened as they see,
probably for the first time, the real truths about life and reality.
Remember the story of the
rich man and Lazarus? When the rich man
died and went to Torments, he immediately knew the truth and that he had not
believed in Christ, that his life on the earth was more than his wealth,
personal plans, and good times. He
wanted to come back to warn others. But
everyone has the same warning – Bible doctrine.Â
They will either learn it or not.
When the demons attacked
in a phenomenal supernatural way, the population of the world (in the
Tribulation), will still ignore the truth of life.
However, for everyone,
the truth, mysteries never learned, mysteries never revealed, mysteries that
most folks have rejected during their lives, will all become clear and perspicuous
to all.
Mysteries hidden in the
past that the New Testament reveals include:
"mysteries of the kingdom" (Matt 13:11),
mystery of Israel's blindness (Rom 11:25),
mystery of the Rapture (1 Cor 15:51),
"mystery of lawlessness" (2 Thess 2:7),
"mystery of Christ" (Eph 3:4)
mystery of "Christ and the church" (Eph 5:32),
mystery of Christ in the believer (Col 1:26-27),
mystery of the Incarnation (1 Tim 3:16).
Paul saw himself as a
"steward" or guardian and dispenser of these mysteries (1 Cor 4:1),
"bring to light" these mysteries "which for ages [have] been
hidden in God" (Eph 3:9).
The mystery of God, Â (1 Cor 2:7; Col 2:2) of which the angel spoke is that of
"the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things
on the earth" (Eph 1:10).
This is the consummation
of Gods plan in bringing His kingdom in Christ to fulfillment.
It involves the salvation
of the elect and their place in His glorious kingdom and all that goes with
It includes the judgment
of men and demons.
The mystery previously
hidden refers to all the unknown details that are revealed from this point to
the end of Revelation, when the new heavens and new earth are created.
God had preached mysteries
(without all the details revealed in the New Testament) to His servants the
prophets in the Old Testament, and men like Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Joel, Amos, and Zechariah wrote of end-time events.
Much of the detail,
however, was hidden and not revealed until the New Testament (Matt 24; 25, and
2 Thess 1:5-2:12), and in Revelation.
To believers living at
that time in a world which will be overrun by demons, murder, sexual
immorality, drug abuse, thefts, and unparalleled natural disasters, and on and
on, the realization that Gods plan will be revealed as on schedule, the
promised kingdom is near, when "the earth will be filled with the
knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Hab 2:14), and will bring great comfort and hope to those
who will be faithful, in the midst of judgment.
And this final judgment
will be one that you should be glad that you will not have to experience. The terror, the death, the mayhem, and
confusion will be horrendous.
In the days of the voice
of the seventh angel, does not refer to a single day or to a single blast of
the trumpet, but to the duration of the final judgments which will last to the end
of the Tribulation and culminating with the Second Advent of Christ.
And at that moment of the
Second Advent, when Christ’s foot sets down on the ground, then all will end
with lightning speed. The saved will be
delivered and the condemned will die right where they stand. But we are getting
a bit ahead of our self.