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6 And[kai] sware
[omnuo] by[en] him that liveth[zao] for[eis] ever[aion] and ever,[aion] who[hos] created[ktizo] heaven,[ouranos] and[kai] the things that
therein are[en],[autos] and[kai] the earth,[ge] and[kai] the things that therein are[en],[autos] and[kai] the sea,[thalassa] and[kai] the things which
are therein[en],[autos] that[hoti] there should be[esomai] time[chronos] no[ou] longer:[eti] Â Â Â KJV-Interlinear
6 and
swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and the things in
it, and the earth and the things in it, and the sea and the things in it, that
there shall be delay no longer, Â Â Â NASB
The angel swore by Him,
Jesus Christ, who is the creator of all things, Col. 1:16, Jn. 1:3, Gen. 1:1, Ps
33:6; 102:25; 115:15; 124:8; 134:3; 146:5-6; Isa 37:16; 42:5; Jer 32:17; 51:15.
Created, ‘ktizo,’ is a reference to proprietary invention, ownership,
The universe and the
human soul were created out of nothing, ‘bara,’ to create something out of
nothing, Gen. 1:1, Gen. 1:27.
John reiterates here,
that it is Jesus Christ who created all that is, owns all that is, and there is
nothing that exists or has existed or ever will exist, that will come from any
other source or process.
Jesus Christ controls
history. All that occurs,
is by His control or design.
Jesus Christ controls
history in three ways – directly through His direct act or control, indirectly
through the influence of doctrine and the free and independent volition of
people, and permissively through the volition of anyone who decides to reject
truth and pursue their own course in life and history.
Jesus Christ
who is God, existed since eternity past. There was never a time when He did not
exist. He created all of the angels, and
He created all of the universe, and He created all of
Jesus Christ started from
one man, Adam, and then created all of humanity and each individual, and
nation, into their assigned time and place in history.
26 and He made from one,
every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined
their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation, NASB
Jesus Christ is God, and
Jesus Christ as such is eternal, the sovereign over all that exists.
The angel swears an oath
in His, Jesus Christ’s, name, and in this case, it is exactly the same as if
Jesus Christ Himself declared it, for in this case, since it is a part of the Bible,
all words herein are from Christ.
Note, anything you might
swear, is not a legitimate oath.
the content of this particular oath? History as it has been allowed to continue
for so many millennia, is going to come to a swift
conclusion. There is going to be no
further rule by man or Satan. It all
stops now (at this specific time in history – at the end of the Tribulation).
All of mans current plans
for a one world social society and so forth, which will never work, will come to
an end.
Revelation did not end at
this specific verse, but our summary of the final events of human history is
coming to a swift close.
We still have several
chapters to go, but the summary of the Tribulation has come to a close. Now the details of that final period of
judgment will be revealed, beginning in the next chapter.
We still have a few more
verses to complete our study of the final summary.
But note here. There will come a time when history will end,
just as there will come a time when your life in this world will end.
Now more than ever, the
decisions you make in your life now, will have an impact on your entire eternal
If you have not believed
in Christ, then that single decision will give you an infinitely better future
in heaven verses the Lake of Fire.
If you have already
believed in Christ, then your daily decisions to study and grow up in your
spiritual life, will give you infinitely better blessings as a spiritually
mature believer, than you otherwise would have as an immature believer.
Forever is a very long
time. Infinite differences are very big
differences. Make your choices wisely.