15 And[kai] the kings[basileus] of the earth,[ge] and[kai] the great men,[megistanes] and[kai] the rich men,[plousios] and[kai] the chief captains,[chiliarchos] and[kai] the mighty men,[dunatos] and[kai] every[pas] bondman,[doulos] and[kai] every[pas] free man,[eleutheros] hid[krupto] themselves[heautou] in[eis] the dens[spelaion] and[kai] in[eis] the rocks[petra] of the mountains;[oros] Â KJV-Interlinear
15 And
the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and
the strong and every slave and free man, hid themselves in the caves and among
the rocks of the mountains; Â Â Â NASB
And just who will be
affected by the circumstances that have been set loose in this world? Everyone.
– All leaders in government.
men - High officers of state, appointed, hired, or elected.
Rich men – People of
wealth or celebrityship and worldly success.
captains - Commanders of armies, commanders in business or enterprise of every
Mighty men - People of
great prowess in battle, or business, who feel by their success or beliefs that
they have no need of God.
Bondman - slaves or all
workers in all classes that have not already been included in any of the above.
Freeman - masters of
their own destiny (in their own eyes). And again, everyone who has not already been included in a list.
The idea is, that all classes of people, high and low, would be
filled with alarm, distress, fear and anger, and ultimately terror.
To hide ones self from life, requires tremendous distress in ones life.Most
folks can handle terrible tragedies in their life. They deal with the trouble and they get
through it.But in the Tribulation,
trouble will be so overwhelming, the world will be so chaotic, that even the
bravest of people, even the most stable, the most poised, the most educated,
the most of anything that people possess which gives them confidence and mental
stability in life, then none of these attributes will be sufficient to calm
their nerves.
People will come unglued, overwhelmed with terror, and they will hide as
all of life unravels all around them.
These are just
descriptive words, and to most folks, words just do not convey the real terror
that will occur in that future period.Â
And to describe an era where the total population of the world will
cower in absolute fear, is almost beyond the ability of
And the fear does not
come only from storms and earthquakes and such, most of it comes from
people.People who are
gangs on the hunt for theft and murder and rape and torture and worse.
Most of the worlds population will be helpless
in their communities or homes or wherever they happen to be. Remember that public services,
and commercial businesses will be all but dismantled in the tyranny and chaos,
so people will be without transportation, without income, without food, without
decent shelter.
Even the things that you
take for granted like an aspirin for a headache, or medicine for allergies, or bandaids for cuts and worse, food, water, toilets, will not
be available.This makes for a really
bad environment and a miserable life.
Again, look to exactly
what we have been studying in this chapter.Â
We have only the words, only the headlines, on a scroll being revealed. We know of the white horse, the red horse,
the black horse, the grey horse, the prayers of fallen
believers, the instability of the planet, the total disruption of life and the
extreme misery that will come to everyone.
That is all that has thus
far been revealed.
The scroll has writing on
both sides, which means tremendous details of all of these events and
circumstances, but we are only given the chapter headings, so to speak.
And these are all
future.So this writing to us and to
everyone in our current dispensation, is a warning, that if you have not
believed in Christ, and if the Rapture does occur in your lifetime, then you
will be living in this disastrous time, and you will be pushed to the brink of
your fears and beyond.
Today we have the
writing. Unfortunately most folks will not read this book or any study
concerning it.Most folks do not do much
reading, let alone recognize the consequences of life due to their day to day
But soon the trumpets
will blow. That is coming up later on, but what is the difference between a
written document and a blast of a trumpet?Â
Well, most folks won’t read, but they will look up when they hear
What are trumpets used
for?They sound an alarm. They announce the arrival of something or
someone. They get attention, when a document does not draw the necessary
attention required.
Documents have to be
opened, read, pages turned, and comprehended.Â
An awful lot of work for a person these days. But documents can give information long in
advance of an event, such that you could have more than enough time to get
The trumpets, on the
other hand, make an announcement of things that are imminent. Â Someone is about to enter a room, something is
about to arrive.And these things are
already on their way, and cannot be stopped.Â
Early preparation is nearly impossible.
And that is the purpose
of the trumpets that we will be studying pretty soon. They will be the next
level of warning.
And then we will see the
bowls being poured out, and that is the actual action of all of these events
that will bring the world to its knees and worse.
While many different
things will be described within each of these groups, all of the activities and
events will take place on a scale that is beyond our comprehension. Even scary movies cannot convey to your
personal experience, the fear and terror and horror that will take place.
And just as people do not
generally take notice of massive earthquakes and death tolls, of volcanoes that
disrupt transportation in an entire continent, rising debt and people rioting
because of lost benefits, the rise of socialism and the rise of attacks against
biblical principles, which any one of these is sufficient to get noticed, then
so too, as time advances and when the Tribulation actually begins, people will
still be blind to the extreme events occurring in their day.
One wonders just how far
humanity has to be pushed before people get it.Â
And that question is actually answered within this book of
Revelation.Humanity will be pushed to the
very brink of extinction, and still most of the population will reject truth,
and the error of their ways.
It should be easy to see
how people even now, reject truth, as the trials of life are relatively gentle,
when compared to what they will become in the future. Â And that is unfortunate.
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