Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.

Top Ten - Ugly Cats


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Revelation 6:14





14 And[kai] the heaven[ouranos] departed[apochorizo] as[hos] a scroll[biblion] when it is rolled together;[heilisso] and[kai] every[pas] mountain[oros] and[kai] island[nesos] were moved[kineo] out of[ek] their[autos] places.[topos]  KJV-Interlinear



14 And the sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.    NASB



The mountains and islands moving out of their place reflect the universal worldwide application of all of the events and instabilities that we have been studying.  The rolling up of the sky represents the violent turmoil which will overtake the daily lives of people all over the world.


This will become a really bad day which just won't end, and actually will continue for years.


If you have ever been a witness to, or have seen on television, some of those storm chaser shows, where they show the storms in the sky with the cloud formations seemingly churning and rolling with great momentum and power and violence, lightning, and thunder, then you can get some idea as to how the world is going to be.


Not just stormy, for certainly there will be violent earthquakes and storms galore, but remember that in this chapter, symbolism is the means being used to describe what life is going to be like during the Tribulation.


John is only hitting the highlights through what little has been revealed by the unsealing of the scroll in the six seals thus far.


Here in these verses of chapter 6 we see the overall picture of the governments, society, economies, crime and mans policy and attitude in general, on this earth, which have all gone bad. In chapter 16 we will see more detail as to mother natures literal role in the Tribulation.


The whole picture being painted gives us the view of the universal troubles and consternation and circumstances that will be worldwide, giving a normal person, every indication that the end of the world is very much a real thing and very near, and not just the sign being held by some nut on a street corner like we might see today.


We can even look to our own history and contemporary events like the great depression, world war two, and the events in Greece in recent weeks and even the events of the stock markets of these past few days.World debt is on the rise at alarming rates, riots are occurring because people do not want to lose their government promised benefits. Views of life are upside down as people look to government for their livelihood rather than to a free enterprise system.


Jobs and prosperity come from business not government, but then we have not seen a free enterprise system for many decades as rules and regulations have eaten away at the free economies of the world, and as troubles have developed resulting in not government being blamed, but business being blamed for what government does.


And so today we have examples on a small scale, of what life is going to be like in the Tribulation, but on a massive worldwide scale in that future period. And, there will be no mechanism for stabilizing all of the trouble because the world will have gone to a one world concept rather than on the safe independent nation concept for economic systems to survive.Europe went with the Euro currency and as goes that currency, so goes all of those countries. Different currencies do have their stabilizing attributes.


When the rapture occurs, all believers are removed from the planet leaving only unbelievers to deal with life. Man will then have his opportunity to solve his own problems, and he fails miserably. Without believers in this world, there is no stability, no preservation, no clear thinking, no innovation with which to approach even the simplest problem.


Man deteriorates miserably in his own dug out pit. When Satan is cast out of heaven at the mid point of the Tribulation (see chapter 12), then even his plan is not to solve mans problems, but to destroy man, and more specifically all Jews in Jerusalem, because God has promised to return to Jerusalem to rescue them, and all believers worldwide, because God has promised their (mature believers in hiding) rescue as well.


Were it not for the new believers who would believe in Christ, during this future seven year Tribulation period, the trouble would be even worse.  But now we have seen thus far in six of the seven seals, the overwhelming trouble that is awaiting the world.


The last few verses will describe the intensity of the pressure people have to deal with thus far, but the seventh seal will not reveal any relief but the contrary. Greater judgments are on the horizon. But too the intensity of Bible teaching will grow as well. There is always an out … if you take it.


This is all future stuff of course, but the same principles of Bible study apply to our individual lives today just as they applied to all generations in the past, and will continue to apply to all generations in the future.


Become and remain positive toward God in your daily life or suffer the consequences.  Stupid people think that they do not need God, or they are, for whatever reason, embarrassed to discuss or even consider God in their lives.


For women it might be a social thing - 'Oh pooh! It's all just silly children stories.'  Men on the other hand might think it beneath their macho skin. Whatever your excuse is for ignoring God in your life, your decision to avoid the truth is your own stupidity. Unfortunately you'll discover your mistake too late … maybe.


Well, there is still more description to come in the next two verses, and they are worse than you can imagine.



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