Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 6:11





11 And[kai] white[leukos] robes[stole] were given[didomi] unto every one of them;[hekastos] and[kai] it was said[rheo] unto them,[autos] that[hina] they should rest[anapauo] yet[eti] for a little[mikros] season,[chronos] until[heos] their[autos] fellowservants[sundoulos] also[kai] and[kai] their[autos] brethren,[adelphos] that should[mello] be killed[apokteino] as[hos][kai] they[autos] were, should[hos] be fulfilled.[pleroo]   KJV-Interlinear



11 And there was given to each of them a white robe; and they were told that they should rest for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been, should be completed also.    NASB



During theTribulation, once people realize the significance of the Rapture and identify the period of history that they are in, what book of the Bible do you suppose will be the most read book?


I suspect that most everyone will be reading this book of Revelation, more than any other of the books in the Bible.That seems only reasonable.


One would assume that the Psalms and the gospels will follow close behind as the most read books, but this book will have immediate impact on everyone's day to day life, as they see the world literally unraveling, around them.


For within this book are all of the instructions for survival and comfort during those last years of human rule.


Here is one of those instruction sets.


There will be millions of martyred believers.This is just how the world will go during the reign of the anti-christ. Believers and Jews will be among the most hated people on the planet, and the target of all out violence. As it is Satan’s intention to rid the earth of all Jews and all Christians, leaving Christ no one to return to, to save at the Second Advent.


So, the instructions are, to expect it, hide as best you can, survive as best you can, but in the end, most of the believers will not survive to the end.


That said, there is a comfort ahead.  Though Satan can have his way with your physical body, he cannot have your soul (which contains your true and real life). God possesses that.


If you die, then be prepared to rest in heaven with Christ, while the remainder of history continues at Christ’s direction.If you are in pain, if you have to suffer, it will last only a little while, and then will be no more (forever).


These instructions go out to everyone, but not everyone (believers) will die during the Tribulation. Some will survive. So there is hope in both directions. To die and go to heaven immediately and then reign during the Millennium, or to survive and enter into the Millennium to repopulate the world during that one-thousand year reign of Christ.


As for those who are martyred, there will be for them in heaven, a symbolic white robe of purity and peace and righteousness. No more judgment, no more pain, no more suffering, only pure and uninterrupted peace and happiness and rest. The robes are symbolic and assure them that they will receive their resurrection at the end of the Tribulation, Rev. 20:4-5.


Christ gives further instructions. Rest and leave the remainder of history up to Him.Judgment will come to those who deserve it.No one will escape the punishments due them.


Jesus Christ knows the exact number of those who will be martyred, as He knows all details of history. Nothing gets past Him. Nothing gets missed by Him. Nothing gets forgotten by Him.


Throughout the seven years of the Tribulation, the numbers of martyred believers, will increase, but none will be lost.  Even the time frame for this period of history is known by God, right down to the very last second.


Little, ‘autos,’ means very small.Season, ‘chronos,’ represents a specific or designated period of time. So the Tribulation, will not go on and on, and will not have an ambiguous finish, but will last for a specific time and then will end abruptly.This Christ knows also.And by stating it, He promises it.



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