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Revelation 6:10





10 And[kai] they cried[krazo] with a loud[megas] voice,[phone] saying,[lego] How[heos] long,[pote] O Lord,[despotes] holy[hagios] and[kai] true,[alethinos] dost thou[krino] not[ou] judge[krino] and[kai] avenge[ekdikeo] our[hemon] blood[haima] on[apo] them that dwell[katoikeo] on[epi] the earth[ge]?   KJV-Interlinear



10 and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, wilt Thou refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?"    NASB



And of those who were under the alter, the souls, the cry will go out for justice against those who had caused their demise as well as justice against those who were ruining the world for everyone.


During the Tribulation, those who die, will go to heaven to be with the Lord, however they will not be resurrected into their new resurrection bodies immediately, but will receive their resurrection bodies at the end of the Tribulation, immediately after the Second Advent.That is why they are referred to ‘souls,’ or unresurrected people, in the previous verse.


Realize that this fifth seal does not deal with the martyrdom of the believers in the Tribulation, but has to do with their prayers.Many will die of course, but they will go to heaven, and there they will have a say as to what they want.And what they want is justice and an end to the evil that is taking place on the earth.


However, if judgment was to occur immediately, when people want it to, then most probably many who have not yet believed in Christ, but will do so later on, will not have their chance to believe and therefore won’t be saved.  So, time is given for many more to be saved, and judgment is postponed until all who will believe, will have their chance.


This implies that there will come a time when all who will believe, will do so, and no more after that will make that decision.


In history there are three historical gaps, or pauses whereby one set of events has concluded making way for the next increment of events.  The first was in Noah’s day, when for over a hundred years, opportunity was given to the world to believe in the savior. Noah and the seven other members of his family were the only people who would board the ark. That was the first gap.


Then at the end of the Old Testament era another gap occurred, as the scriptures were completed and for nearly four-hundred years, no further revelation came from God, making way for the birth of Jesus.This was an informational gap.


Then at the end of the Church Age, there will be another gap in history. God does not do things arbitrarily. If people were believing in Christ day in and day out, then the Rapture would not occur such that some would be included or excluded simply because of the luck or bad luck of the day of the rapture, relative to their faith.


We already know that at the end of our dispensation a great apostasy will occur. That implies a gap in the occurrence of people believing and being saved.Those who are going to believe, will do so, and as for the rest, something more must occur before they will believe. That something more will be forced upon them in the Tribulation.


Therefore we can reasonably presume that there is going to be a fixed number of believers who will be members of the Royal Family from our Church Age. Just as there is going to be a fixed number of believers, who will be martyred during the Tribulaton.  And that number is made reference to in the next verse.


What is clear in these verses, is that there will be unresurrected believers who will have been martyred, and who will be in heaven, but also that they will possess the ability to speak and communicate.  We know that the Lord hears them because He will answer them, but too, John hears them, because he has written their spoken words, which we have just read.


Christ will allow history to run its course, so long as there remains even one more single individual who will believe and be saved. But once that last person believes, then all of human history, as far as the Tribulation is concerned, will come to a very rapid end.



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