Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 6:8





8 And[kai] I looked,[eido] and[kai] behold[idou] a pale[chloros] horse:[hippos] and[kai] his[autos] name[onoma] that sat[kathemai] on[epano] him[autos] was Death,[thanatos] and[kai] Hell[hades] followed[akoloutheo] with[meta] him.[autos] And[kai] power[exousia] was given[didomi] unto them[autos] over[epi] the fourth part[tetartos] of the earth,[ge] to kill[apokteino] with[en] sword,[rhomphaia] and[kai] with[en] hunger,[limos] and[kai] with[en] death,[thanatos] and[kai] with[hupo] the beasts[therion] of the earth.[ge]   KJV-Interlinear



8 And I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. And authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.    NASB



The pale horse is death. Death comes from starvation, due to famine, due to the many instabilities in the world, due to the huge governmental oppressions imposed on the world, caused by the one who would be the hero and ruler of the world – the anti-christ.


All of these seals are painting a picture of a utopia, a man made utopia, that will never exist, and will end up only in massive disaster.


And it is the people who by their own volition which rejects truth, who will bring all of this tyranny onto themselves.


Since the day that the Savior was promised to Adam, Satan has had his own savior planned.  And if he had the means, he would have brought his version of a savior into the world long before now.However, Jesus Christ controls history, and humanity has not and will not bring a one world ruler into the world, until it has fallen far below the degenerate levels of society, that will allow it.


That time will not occur until the last generation of this Church Age. A generation that will include believers that will be Raptured away, along with a world full of unbelievers that will remain behind, to live through the Tribulation.


Many of those unbelievers will find the Lord during the hardest of times in all of human history.  It is a terrible thing when people who are so stubborn, have to be pushed to the brink of oblivion, before they will open up their minds to faith in Christ.


But that is the way that many will find Christ.Stubbornness is a very powerful force, as it can cause a person to refuse to the bitter end, before actually relinquishing their pride to humble faith.


The pale horse, is the means of human activity.Death is the result.Hades is the underworld, the world of the dead.


The sword is violence, all manner of violence. From gang activity, criminal activity, social hate, governmental atrocities and everything that you can imagine, and worse.The world will go unleashed and unhindered as violence takes over all aspects of life.


Hunger is from the lack of social or public commerce or charity.No production, no manufacturing, no retail.This is removed from society when government (the anti-christ) takes over.


One-fourth of the population of the world will die as the anti-christ allows it all to happen. One person in every four, means that everyone on earth will be affected.Not one person will go untouched by the extremes.


The beasts of the earth are the scavengers who get fat on all those who society simply cannot bury or dispose of.


That means the stench of the dead on the planet, will be horrendous.


And this is not a childrens story, not a fiction made up by science-fiction writers, but a revealing of what is actually going to occur in our future some day.


And, it is all going to occur simply because people do not see the value of God, Christ, doctrine, obedience to truth, or the principles of truth, or their spiritual life. People just refuse to engage in a daily study of doctrine.


This is all going to occur because people refuse to come and see, and understand.


Again, the question, ‘Where do you stand in all of this?’


‘What are you not doing that you should be doing?’


‘What principle of doctrine do you believe that does not apply to you, or that you are exempt from?’


And in your excuses, you will find the answer as to why all of this will take place.



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