Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Revelation 6:7





7 And[kai] when[hote] he had opened[anoigo] the fourth[tetartos] seal,[sphragis] I heard[akouo] the voice[phone] of the fourth[tetartos] beast[zoon] say,[lego] Come[erchomai] and[kai] see.[blepo]   KJV-Interlinear



7 And when He broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, "Come."    NASB



The fourth beast speaks. The fourth beast is the one who had a head of an eagle, the farsighted one.


Farsightedness means understanding, being able to look and see and understand what is happening, being able to comprehend the nature of what is happening and the consequences.  And people who are resistant toward listening and learning objectively, will never see or understand the consequences of their thoughts and actions.


Now we will look for the first time at the words ‘come,’ and ‘see.’


Come, means to leave from where you are, and go to another place, the place of where the pertinent activity is taking place. And in John’s case, he is already in heaven, and he can already see the earth.But this means to move in your mind as well, in order to understand, to open up your mind in order to understand, to be teachable.


Too often, folks simply will not listen, so they do not understand.Their minds are already made up, and anything you say or do will never get them to see the truth, or change their mind.That is the state of the world, for the most part, at this future time in history. It is certainly the state of the world even in our current day.


But people do not instantly get into this type of attitude.It takes time for folks to develop beliefs, opinions, and habits by which they establish their lifestyle. And it takes generations, for whole generations to get this way.


When folks are exposed to truth, and accept it, then they will have a tendency to be more open minded, and they will tend to be more objective in their analysis of the things that are going on around them at home, and in the world in general.


However, when truth is excluded from the thinking process of people’s minds, then the opinions of the world (all of which are not good), enter easily into their ideas and beliefs and they are easily fooled and deceived.


Most folks think of unbelievers or of radical religious types, when they think of anti-God activities, or anti-Christian activities or ideas.However, the worst of the negative types of people, are actually believers in Christ, not unbelievers.


The Bible commands us to study and learn and grow up.Most do not follow this mandate.They instead concentrate on the emotional aspects of faith.They quote verses, thinking that somehow their quote wields them with some form of supernatural power or emphasis.Some folks love to sing the hymns.That too, exercises the emotions, giving one a rosy glow or feeling about their love for Jesus and life and so forth.


These things are not spiritual growth, but should be applications of growth or expressions of growth, and not a replacement for the daily study commanded.


However, again, people get entrenched in their beliefs and habits, and getting them to change is difficult if not impossible.They will not ‘come and see.’ Their mind is closed.


And now we are at the fourth seal. These seals are opened in sequence for a reason.When people are so negative toward truth, whether they are believers or unbelievers, then these sequences in history will occur.The worst sequence will not occur until the Tribulation.  But the Tribulation is not the first time that these things have happened - of abusive rulers, of tyranny, of a negative attitude in the masses. And one of the things that folks should have learned from history is that attitude toward Christ determines the level of blessings or lack of it, in history.


And when blessings are diminished, then sorrows increase dramatically.


In our dispensation, God is making Christ’s enemies a footstool for his feet.What does that mean?God is shaping, forming, arranging all of the pieces of the historical puzzle such that they will all be in place for the final events of history – Rapture and then the Tribulation.


All of these pieces of the puzzle include the dramatic rise in population, the precise formation of the continental drift pressure points, the precise status of the various volcanoes, the national powers that will exist in the four spheres on the planet, and so forth. But it also includes the number of believers that will be included in the Royal Family, the attitudes of the population around the world, the forms of governments, the nature of the regulations and monetary systems, the nature of society’s norms and standards, and on and on and on, and so forth.


All of these things (a massive list to be sure; no one could possibly list all of the details of history) are coming to a head, and will all culminate together at precisely the exact same time and moment in history. Most people cannot balance their own checkbooks. Certainly most governments cannot balance their national budgets. Only God can coordinate such a massive and complicated puzzle over these many, many centuries, and make them all come together at the same time.


And it is people who are helping make all of these things possible, primarily through their own negative attitude toward truth, which will culminate at the end of our own dispensation, in the greatest apostate society ever in history.


Noah’s generation was apostate to be sure, but they did not and would not follow a lunatic anti-christ leader.The Tribulation generation will not only follow the most evil person in history, but they will worship him. And that should wake up your eyes as to the horrible attitudes and policies, that we see, even in our current day.


John was in tears.  Why?


Because the most horrible period of atrocities, pain, and suffering are coming, and people won’t do anything to stop it. They are in fact, bringing it all onto themselves, by means of their own indifference and negative attitude toward God, Christ, and doctrine.Unbelievers are apathetic, and negative believers are simply lazy or think they know it all, already.


Very few will knuckle down to study and learn and grow up spiritually.Where do you fit, in this picture?



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
