Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Revelation 5:4





4 And[kai] I[ego] wept[klaio] much,[polus] because[hoti] no man[oudeis] was found[heurisko] worthy[axios] to open[anoigo] and[kai] to read[anaginosko] the book,[biblion] neither[oute] to look[blepo] thereon.[autos]    KJV-Interlinear



4 And I began to weep greatly, because no one was found worthy to open the book, or to look into it;    NASB



John wept, ‘klaio,’ to cry loudly, bewail, sob, weep, wail aloud. This type of crying comes from deep, very deep emotions of grief, anxiety, and an extreme sense of aloneness and helplessness.


The same word is used for Jesus' weeping over Jerusalem, Luke 19:41, and Peter's bitter weeping after betraying the Lord, Luke 22:62. It expresses strong, unrestrained emotion, and in John’s case, it represents extreme unrestrained emotion. John was overwhelmed.


And again, no man, ‘oudeis,’ no one, no man, woman, child, no person or thing, no created being of any kind.


After the proclamation from the angel, no one was found who could break the seals, unroll the scroll, thus releasing its contents into history, and at last end history and redeem permanently all who have believed in Gods promise.


This was the reaction of John at the destiny of the human race, and the total obliteration of humanity. All would end, and all would be lost.


That is, if mans redemption and eternal life were left up to man or angel, or anything else.


But as we all know, and will see soon, there is but one person who is qualified, and possesses the power and authority and ability to accomplish that which the scroll holds.


This book of Revelation, is more than a book of dragons, and mysterious numbers. It is a book, an account, of that which is going to be in our future.Not a story.Not a fairy tale. Not some science fiction invention of the imagination for entertainment, but the real deal.


And as most folks receive it with impunity, ridicule, mockery, and for most, indifference, the fact remains that the future of humanity will end one day, just as your life and mine, will end in due course after we have lived our designated decades.


Look around, and tell me how many folks are hundreds of years old, or even a hundred years old?  Few to none.And how long is your life going to be?And what then?


Eternity is coming after us all, like a storm. Most just cannot see the clouds on the horizon.


And therefore most will not prepare for that which is inevitable in their lives.


And, most will lose out on a phenomenal future, which God has waiting for them in heaven.  And heaven is our ultimate destiny, not this earth, and not this life.


You have a unique opportunity, now, to prepare for the greatest adventure ever, to prepare for the greatest wealth ever, to prepare for the greatest life ever, but it requires you to accept the responsibility in life for your adherence to Gods plan for your life. Namely, the study of the scriptures, and your advancement to spiritual maturity, which includes accepting your responsibilities in life.


Occupying your life with senseless games or habits, will not get you there, only focusing on that which is important in life, will accomplish for you that which God has prepared for you for eternity, namely advancement in your spiritual life, while simultaneously accepting responsibility for your earthly role in life, while you grow up.


No cult, no religion, no philosophy, no social life, will work.Only Bible doctrine has the power and the wherewithal to accomplish Gods plan for you.


If you haven’t already decided that this is the best course for you, then perhaps one day you will make that right decision, to pursue the completeness of your life.  Hopefully it will come in your life, before it is too late, or too difficult to do.Pray that you do not weep as John weeps here, with intense weeping because of your own stupidity.


For if you ignore your spiritual life, then extreme overwhelming weeping is going to be in your future.



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
