8 I[ego] am[eimi] Alpha[a] and[kai] Omega,[omega] the beginning[arche] and[kai] the ending,[telos] saith
[lego] the Lord,[kurios] which[ho] is[on], and[kai] which[ho] was[en], and[kai] which[ho] is to come[erchomai], the Almighty.[pantokrator]Â Â KJV-Interlinear
8 "I am
the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and
who is to come, the Almighty." NASB
God places His own stamp on this message and promise.
He is the Alpha and the Omega, which refers to His
omniscience and His foreknowledge.
God knows all that is knowable. God knows all that is possible. His knowledge is infinite. There is nothing that God does not know.
Omniscience refers to all knowledge of what is, as
well as what could have been.Â
Foreknowledge refers to the actual thoughts, motives, and events of
history that will occur.
He is, was, and is to come, refers to His eternal
existence.God is infinite and eternal.
There was never a time when He did not exist.Â
He had no beginning and will have no ending.
Almighty is Gods infinite power. He is omnipotent. There is nothing that He cannot do. Â He created the universe and sustains it. He created life and sustains it. He controls history and sustains it. God makes promises and is well able to
fulfill them.Jesus Christ is God.
There are those who make fun of deity and believe that
if God cannot make a rock so large that He cannot lift it, then He is not all
powerful and therefore not God.However
those accusations are nothing more than sinful attempts to temp God, trying to
get Him to manufacture something that contradicts His own essence. Â Since His essence is truth, then anything that
contradicts truth is a lie.God is not
able to sin, and able to not sin, and therefore will never cancel out His own
abilities for the sake of arrogant fools.
Since there is no life, no knowledge and no power
greater than God, then there is no one, and nothing that is able to change that
which He has decreed.Likewise there is nothing
that is more certain than that which God promises.
Our dispensation will come to an end one day. That last day may be soon, or it may be many
decades down the road.Our dispensation
will end with a great apostasy, which we studied about a month ago. The great apostasy will be very similar to
that which occurred in the time of Noah, when the vast majority of the people
of the world will be anti-God, anti-Truth, and anti-Christ. They will be indifferent, they will be
mockers, they will care less about doctrine.
This is not a situation that will occur over night,
but one that will evolve as generations fail to pass on doctrinal principles to
their children.And this failure may or may
not be the fault of the parent generation, but one of an indifferent descendant
In any case, the spiritual status of society worldwide, will diminish to an all time low. This should be an obvious result. And as the spiritual status of society
diminishes, then the worldly status will rise to an all time high.
The foundation of world wisdom consists of lies and
when society places their faith in lies, then trouble
is not far away.Therefore, trouble will
exist in the world when the Rapture occurs, and that will be the catalyst that will
sweep the anti-christ into power, immediately after
the Rapture.
God is omniscient.Â
God is organized.God created
this universe which is governed by rules which God established. Nothing in this universe happened by
accident.And whether you are looking at
the rules of physics, or biology, or principles of establishment, they were all
set into place by God.God is organized. Truth is organized. Lies always attack these principles and
attempts to replace them with false principles.
Spiritual advancement receives blessing, and
spiritual decline receives cursing. And thus society and history is governed by
attitude toward Christ. Look at the attitude
of society toward Christ, and you will see the impact that will occur in
And so, God places His stamp on this book and on
all of the scriptures, and then leaves it to you to decide to what you are
going to commit your life, to God and a committed daily study, or to something
Your actions (doing), not words (empty talk),
reveal your decision.God is the one who
will evaluate you, not man.