7 Behold,[idou] he cometh[erchomai] with[meta] clouds;[nephele] and[kai] every[pas] eye[ophthalmos] shall see[optanomai] him,[autos] and[kai] they also which[hostis] pierced[ekkenteo] him:[autos] and[kai] all[pas] kindreds[phule] of the earth[ge] shall wail[kopto] because[epi] of him.[autos] Even so, [nai] Amen.[amen]Â Â KJV-Interlinear
7 Behold, He is coming with the
clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the
tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. Even so.
Amen. Â Â Â NASB
At the first advent of Christ, His glory was
veiled.People only saw the son of a
poor carpenter. Only Peter, James and John, saw a glimpse of His glory in the
But at the Second Advent, things will change
Everyone will see Him coming in all of His glory.
From those who executed Him, which is a phrase
referring to all unbelieving Jews who will be living at the time of the Second
Advent, to all tribes of the earth. And all tribes, is a reference to all of
the gentile nations of the world.
Therefore, His glory will be so bright (far
brighter than our daytime sun), that the entire planet,
will be witness to the return of Christ.
And the response of
people around the world? They will mourn.
10 "And I will pour out on the house of David
and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication,
so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for
Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him, like
the bitter weeping over a first-born. Â Â Â NASB
Some of the mourning will be of repentance. Many will be saved at that last minute of
But too, many, both Jew and gentile, will not
repent, will not believe, but will grieve over their impending doom.
The word for mourn, ‘kopto,’
means to cut, or is a reference for extreme grieving or despair.
21 and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their
thefts. Â Â
And all of this mourning, either through last
minute panic and belief, or for fear of ones
impending doom, will come from those who are about to die.
Those who are about to be delivered, mature
believers who have managed to conceal themselves, are not included in this
group.They will be celebrating in
relief, as one celebrates when a huge burden of pressure is lifted from ones life.
But at the Second Advent, there will be billions of
people worldwide, who have pursued the anti-christ
and evil, and now in their last minutes of life, will have front row seats, to
witness the one whom they have rejected as an unimportant person in life. And everyone will simultaneously realize
their mistake.
And then, the lights of their lives,
will go out in a dramatic and violent fashion.
We are still not finished with this verse!