Copyright © 2009 J. Neely. All rights reserved.


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Titus 1:10-11



10 For [gar] there are [eisi] many [polus] unruly [anupotaktos] and [kai] vain talkers [mataiologos] and [kai] deceivers [phrenapates], specially [malista] they of [ek] the circumcision [peritome]:

11 Whose [hos] mouths [epistomizo] must [dei] be stopped [epistomizo], who [hostis] subvert [anatrepo] whole [holos] houses [oikos], teaching [didasko] things which [hos] they ought [dei] not [me], for [charin] filthy [aischros] lucre's [kerdos] sake [charin]. KJV-Interlinear



10 For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, 11 who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach, for the sake of sordid gain. NASB



One of the biggest problems for any leader, comes from those who would undermine his position and authority.


If you have ever been a member of a club or social organization, then you most likely have seen this problem.Politics, pretense, inordinate ambition, social climbers and such, all combine in their quest to steal away what they believe is the attention they deserve from the membership.


And you don t generally have to go too far before you find the opposition. They can be family members, neighbors, friends or acquaintances, social acquaintances, fellow workers and so forth.


Some folks seemingly live only for the purpose of disruption or being negative about anything and everything. They are not interested in anyone's success, only in their own ego or approbation.


Likeiwse they don t care that they may be interfering with someone's future or destiny.Again they are interested only in their own satisfaction in driving the direction of a conversation or of an organization.


If the repercussions of their actions result in your demise, or bring harm to others, they won t care.They only care about themselves and nothing else.


They disrupt families, groups, organizations, even nations can be disrupted by ego driven lust driven people.


Their interest is in sordid gain, which is nothing more than their own selfish interests, whatever they may be.


They promote dissention and false ideas.Their words are empty because they are driven by their sin nature attributes.


And by the way, as mentioned in this verse, they are usually members of the common faith (circumcision) which can refer to that physical or surgical Jewish ritual, or even to the symbolism of soul circumcision in Christianity.


In anyone's spiritual life, a great deal is at stake - their eternal life and its content. As Satan and symbolically the world, will try anything to disrupt your spiritual future, then anyone who enters into the debate of ones spiritual beliefs, in order to turn them away, is nothing more than a representative of that kind of Satanic thought.


The only way to diminish this type of threat, is by growing up in your own spiritual life. And you do this by maintaining a consistent and daily study program, giving you the ammunition for discerning and discovering the subtle attacks when they come along.


And I might mention one other concept.Not only will there be those who will challenge your beliefs directly, but there will be no shortage of people whom you can view daily in the news and such, people who take advantage of society, people who take advantage of their positions, people who openly and boldly pursue corruption with impunity.


Your threat? Well, you work long and hard, and try to make a decent living for yourself and your family. And then you see others pursue corruption and seemingly get away with everything.They live the high life while you struggle week to week, month to month just to pay the rent. And they get the bail out benefits and you get nothing.


All you have to remember is but one thing.Jesus Christ controls history.They do not. God allows many folks to run their own course in life, knowing that they see the repercussions of their actions and knowing that they will never have anything better in eternity, but far worse.


Don t get upset. Your eternal destiny will last a very long time and your spiritual life is far more valuable than anything in this world. So stick to your spiritual guns and preserve your eternity.Don t allow anyone to defeat you in the little things, and by the way, everything in this carnal world is a little and meaningless thing, not worth giving up ones eternal blessings.

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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
