You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
17 And[kai] the Spirit[pneuma] and[kai] the bride[numphe] say,[lego] Come.[erchomai] And[kai] let him that
heareth[akouo] say,[epo] Come.[erchomai] And[kai] let him that is athirst[dipsao] come.[erchomai] And[kai] whosoever will,[thelo] let
him take[lambano] the water[hudor] of life[zoe] freely.[dorean]KJV-Interlinear
17 And the
Spirit and the bride say, "Come." And let the one who hears say,
"Come." And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes
take the water of life without cost. NASB
Two requests, pleas, petitions, or supplications are being made from two different parties, within this verse.
The first is from the Holy Spirit, requesting the return of Christ, as well as from believers who are also requesting the return of Christ.
The second request is for humanity to answer the call of Christ, to salvation.
Throughout the long and numerous centuries, the Holy Spirit has worked to bring about conviction and repentance among humanity. Jesus' imminent return has been promised throughout the scriptures. And to that promise the third member of the Trinity says, 'Come.'
The Holy Spirit has worked throughout history, disclosing Bible doctrine and the call to salvation through faith in the Second person of the Trinity. He has battled a never-ending line of generations of stubborn and stiff-necked people. Thus the call for the return of Christ, to subdue and judge, and therefore end the Spirit's long battle.
Likewise, the Bride, which in this verse represents believers throughout history, also call for Christ to, 'Come.'
People have to deal with all manner of pressures and trouble throughout their lives. Human history is filled with war and crime, disease and injury, social pressures and prejudices, pain and suffering, financial pressures and so forth. Life is not easy for most folks. There probably has not been one single believer who has not wished for the return of Christ, if for no other reason than to make the hurting stop.
Likewise, Christ knows human history. He has seen the Divine Decrees. He knows that there will be a set and predetermined number of generations and that there will be people in future generations who will believe in Him and therefore will live in heaven with Him forever.
He also knows that there will be many who will procrastinate in their belief, risking their ending up in the eternal Lake of Fire. Christ calls, through the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit, for any and all unbelievers to, 'Come.' Come in faith, believing in the one and only savior, Jesus Christ. So that they too can join in the call to Christ for Hs return.
No one wants to live under perpetual pressure and suffering. That does not make life fun at all. To look forward to the time when there will be no more pain, no more tears, no more suffering, no more death, no more sorrow, to look forward to no more of any of the negatives of life, is very legitimate and normal.
The promises of heaven and all that accompanies it, are beyond phenomenal and should excite the heart of any normal person.
However, we are here in this world, and we must persevere through Gods planned historical timeline. The worst of human history is not yet. The worst will come in the Tribulation, when the suffering, death, and destruction will reach levels that have never before occurred in history.
Isa. 55:1 1 'Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk Without money and without cost. NASB
Who can be saved? Anyone who believes in Christ. Who will be saved? Everyone who believes in Christ.
What price do we pay for this salvation? Nothing but the price of a single thought, 'Father, I believe in Jesus Christ.'
Jesus Christ went to the Cross and paid the price demanded of sin. Jesus Christ owns life, and gives it freely to any and all who believe in Him. Anyone who does not believe in Him is in effect, trying to obtain eternal life by means of their own effort. They cannot.
There is no requirement to stand up, to raise ones hands, to perform some ritual, to suffer in any humiliating way. There is no requirement to feel sorry, or to go off and live a life of poverty or seclusion.
There is nothing that you can do in order to earn or qualify for Gods free gift of eternal life. Mans works, mans sufferings, mans imitations of sufferings, mans self-imposed sacrifices are all rejected. There is nothing that you can do which will gain you that which God gives freely.
His only requirement is that you want salvation, that you want doctrine, that you want a relationship with God through Christ. Therefore, he who thirsts, he who desires, will receive every opportunity of being saved and enjoying a fruitful spiritual life.
Thirst indicates a desire for something that you desperately need. Without water, a person would die. But without thirst, one would not have any desire for water. God has built in, to the normal function of the human anatomy, a thirst in order to make the person aware of his need. Likewise, God has built into the spiritual anatomy, a spiritual thirst such that a person will have no excuse for not wanting the water of life.
The gospel and Bible doctrine is that life giving water. It is there free for the taking. Only arrogant and stubborn defiance will prevent one from taking something that is necessary for life, and is free.