Copyright © 2006 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Rev. 19:19a

19 And [kai] I saw [eido] the beast [therion], and [kai] the kings [basileus] of the earth [ge], and [kai] their [autos] armies [strateuma], gathered together [sunago] to make [poieo] war [polemos] against [meta] him that sat [kathemai] on [epi] the horse [hippos], and [kai] against [meta] his [autos] army [strateuma].     KJV-Interlinear



19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies, assembled to make war against Him who sat upon the horse, and against His army.     NASB

The pattern of indifference toward God and truth has been established.  John has seen all of man’s attitudes, and all of the repercussions of man’s attitudes and decisions and actions.  Now for the ultimate result of all of man’s attitudes, decisions and actions. 

When man rejects truth, then he sets his own course for destruction.

This will be true in the Tribulation, and it is true even today.  Your thoughts, decisions and actions in life, determine your pattern of life.  Your chosen pattern of life will determine your destiny.  God allows you to live long enough to demonstrate what your choices and attitudes in life are, and then He drops the hammer on you.  You will have no excuse because you, by your very own thought pattern, have established your life style pattern.

Either you will pursue a daily dose of Bible study, or you will pursue a daily dose of gossip, and maligning, and judging, and indifference, and so forth.  You will pursue kindness and courtesy, or you will pursue implacability and revenge.  You will pursue poise and tolerance, or you will pursue hate and over reaction.

History has demonstrated the worst of man, and it will all come together in the one last and final battle as humanity simply goes berserk at the end of the Tribulation.

John now sees the ultimate results of man’s indifference toward truth.  The final battle on this earth will certainly be between men, but when people reject truth and enter into conflict with each other, they are in effect fighting God.

The world is not getting together in the Middle East and sitting around in their battle gear, waiting for the arrival of Christ.

Idiots throughout the ages have sold off all they had, dressed up in white robes and sat out on hilltops waiting for His coming.

But here, the powers of the world are at war.  Moreover, since they are bent on their own total annihilation, they are fighting God since God has promised deliverance to His faithful in those final days.  Any extermination of humanity would render Gods promise, a lie.   God of course cannot lie.  Humanity is simply caught up in their own self-generated out of control, whirlwind, which has been caused by their collective rejection of truth.

Armageddon is a real event.  It will occur at some time in the future and lots of folks are going to die as a result. 

You will have your own Armageddon one day, if you reject truth by the simple function of your apathy toward doctrine.  Yours won’t be as publicly dramatic, but the impact on your life for you personally will be just as real.

All of the problems of the world are a direct result of man’s rejection of truth.  Rejecting truth means that arrogance drives your life patterns.  Arrogance unleashes the myriads of sins that range from the very simple and subtle to the very abusive, and of course everything in between.

Christ will demonstrate, in the Millennium, the phenomenal prosperity that man will have when sin is restrained.  But, then man will again demonstrate his own failure and the need for a personal relationship with God, through Christ, by his refusal to believe in Christ toward the end of the Millennium.

Even with the restraint of sin, man will still fail in life when Christ is rejected.  Morality alone is not enough to launch man into eternal life (or any life for that matter).

So, now that humanity has assembled for the big party, then tomorrow we are going to depart from Revelation, to see just how everyone got there.




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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
