You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
11 And[kai] I saw[eido] heaven[ouranos] opened,[anoigo] and[kai] behold[idou] a white[leukos] horse;[hippos] and[kai] he that sat[kathemai] upon[epi] him[autos] was called[kaleo] Faithful
[pistos] and[kai] True,[alethinos] and[kai] in[en] righteousness[dikaiosune] he doth judge[krino] and[kai] make war.[polemeo] KJV-Interlinear
11 And I saw
heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and He who sat upon it is called
Faithful and True; and in righteousness He judges and wages war. NASB
'And,' indicates a transition of scenes. This is not a sequence being followed, but a series of visions which move back and forth through the chronology and logic of Gods plan, to allow us all to see how history has been brought together despite Satan's and evil mans plans to the contrary.
This time John sees heaven opened up once again. The last opening, was in chapter 4, when the heavens opened up to let John in. That was the Rapture.
This time heaven opens up to let Christ out. This is the Second Advent.
At the Rapture, Christ returns into the clouds to gather up his church. This time, Christ returns to the earth with His church.
It should be very clear that the Rapture and the Second Advent are two very separate and distinct events, both being separated by the presentation of the Church as a bride, in heaven, and by the final efforts of Satan on the earth.
Christ will return on a white war horse.
In the first advent, Jesus came on a donkey, humble and willing to pay the price for salvation. In this second advent, Christ will return on a war horse, fully prepared for battle and ready to destroy once and for all, Satan and evil.
What remains on earth is the greatest feast of them all, and that is going to be attended not only by all believers and elect angels, but by the greatest gathering of scavenger animals, ever assembled in history. Once that feast is concluded, then all of the animal population will eat of flesh no more, and man will know of war no more.
Jesus Christ is faithful and true. Satan is unfaithful and full of lies.
Jesus Christ demands judgment of evil, in order obliterate it and eliminate its affects on life and history forever.
Due process of law is intended to try the individual in a court of due process in an orderly fashion.
War is intended to bring a larger scale of evil to justice by means of a greater violence than is generated by evil itself.