Copyright © 2011 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 18:8


8 Therefore[touto][dia] shall[heko] her[autos] plagues[plege] come[heko] in[en] one[mia] day,[hemera] death,[thanatos] and[kai] mourning,[penthos] and[kai] famine;[limos] and[kai] she shall be utterly burned[katakaio] with[en] fire:[pur] for[hoti] strong[ischuros] is the Lord[kurios] God[theos] who[ho] judgeth[krino] her.[autos]KJV-Interlinear


8 "For this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for the Lord God who judges her is strong. NASB


Dan. 5 records the writing on the wall and the fall of Babylon that very night. Prior to that time, the city had been under siege, and was holding out with what seemed like an indifferent attitude toward the attacking army surrounding her.

The siege of days turned into weeks turned into months, but when the enemy found a way under the walls due to fallen river waters, and into the city, then the fall of the city came swiftly, in a single night.

So too, in the final days of the Tribulation, the pride and arrogance of Satan and the anti-christ and all who will follow them, will lead them into an indifference and disregard of the warnings from the Bible.

And yet the judgments will be showering down on the earth from all around, causing a constant reminder that the end is drawing nearer and nearer. But only to be ignored.

After all, the anti-christ will have total control over all of the events on the earth. Or so he will think.

And then, the end will come. In a flood, in a tsunami, in an avalanche that you can hear from afar off but cannot see in the dark until it is right on top of you, so too will the arrogance and pride and attitudes described in the previous verse, be totally inundated and destroyed in a very short space of time. Perhaps hours perhaps minutes, perhaps seconds. The end will come and it will come swiftly for the entire planet.

One day indicates a very short space of time, which may indeed be a day, but the next couple of verses indicate that this process will give ample time for onlookers to observe the downfall of Babylon.

Remember that these last several bowl judgments will be systematically dismantling the entire planet. The term for Babylon is more than a single city, but an entire policy originating from Satan. This policy will include religion, economics, government, and so forth, and all of these things will be dismantled bringing the entire world to its knees in famine, in starvation, in unemployment, in non-productivity, bringing all commerce and industry to a halt.

The world under such circumstances cannot see a single city burning, but the entire world can reel from the sufferings of a halted system of commerce.

Any thought as to just what that end might be?

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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
