15 And[kai] he saith[lego] unto me,[moi] The waters[hudor] which[hos] thou sawest,[eido] where[hou] the whore[porne] sitteth,[kathemai] are[eisi] peoples,[laos] and[kai] multitudes,[ochlos] and[kai] nations,[ethnos] and[kai] tongues.[glossa] KJV-Interlinear
15 And he said to me, "The waters which you saw where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. NASB
The phrase, 'whore that sits on many waters,' from the first verse in this chapter, is a reference not to a single individual, but to the entire system of false religions and philosophies and so forth from throughout history, and especially in the Tribulation where they will all come together to form one coherent yet evil religion sponsored by the anti-christ.
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