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13 And[kai] he doeth[poieo] great[megas] wonders,[semeion] so[kai] that[hina] he maketh[poieo] fire[pur] come down[katabaino] from[ek] heaven[ouranos] on[eis] the earth[ge] in the sight [enopion] of men,[anthropos] KJV-Interlinear
13 And he performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men. NASB
The second beast, the false prophet, will possess magical powers, that when used, will astonish people.
Naïve people, those who lack truth in their souls, are easily entertained and convinced with magic shows and things that are of false origin.
Interestingly enough, when Jesus performed genuine miracles of healing, people saw the show as entertainment and were not convinced of its truth or origin.
This false prophet, will demonstrate things such as fire from the sky, perhaps this is lightning, perhaps something else, but no matter. People will take a false wonder, or a natural phenomena and believe the source, the false prophet, to be someone great and truthful, and people will worship the anti-christ over nothing more than a magicians trick.
The present tense, of doeth, indicates that he will and has to, do this over and over again, in order to keep the attention of the people.
Remember that people are fickle and even in a false society such as will exist in the latter half of the Tribulation, getting the keeping the attention of the masses of people, will still require repetition of deception.
Satan’s whole policy and plan is deception and lies, therefore the powers demonstrated will be nothing more than deception, and not real powers. That is all he has ever had, and all he will ever have.
In the sight of men, means just that. People have to see it to believe it, and all they are seeing is a fireworks show of sorts. And from this people will fall head over heels in worshipping the anti-christ. Such is their spiritual weakness in life.
Souls that lack substance, require very little to impress them. And for that matter, little children require very little to gain their attention. And therefore, despite their worldly fame or power, or status, or whatever they have in life, the masses that are attracted to Satan, are nothing more than immature people. That is all that Satan is able to attract to himself.
Such is the power of evil. Nothing but emptiness. Nothing but impotency. By pursuing evil, and rejecting truth in life, you are in reality chasing after nothing.
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