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19 And[kai] the temple[naos] of God[theos] was opened[anoigo] in[en] heaven,[ouranos] and[kai] there was seen[optanomai] in[en] his[autos] temple[naos] the ark[kibotos] of his[autos] testament:[diatheke] and[kai] there were[ginomai] lightnings,[astrape] and[kai] voices,[phone] and[kai] thunderings,[bronte] and[kai] an earthquake,[seismos] and[kai] great[megas] hail.[chalaza] KJV-Interlinear
19 And the temple of God which is in heaven was opened; and the ark of His covenant appeared in His temple, and there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder and an earthquake and a great hailstorm. NASB
The temple of God long has been represented as the permanent dwelling of God, and the point of contact of mans communion with God.
The Ark has long been represented as Gods promises and provision for man.
This verse represents that the Temple and the Ark, in history, have now been fulfilled and are now opened up for all to see them for exactly what they are. Believers already know the truth, and now unbelievers will have it thrown in their faces, so to speak, thus obliterating their false beliefs.
Unfortunately unbelievers will cling to their false beliefs, rejecting the total revelation of God and truth.
This is followed by various events and sounds from the Temple within heaven.
Lightning's, voices, thundering, earthquake, and hail, all have been events that have been associated with Gods judgment, and none of which man can prevent.
Lightning's represent flashes and speed, brightness and light.
Voices represent the voice of truth from so many who have believed.
Thundering represents awesome power and force.
Earthquakes represent commotion, shaking or a movement of earth and air as in a tempest or earthquake.
And hail is obvious hail, but here it is more than that. It means to let down, to strike, an interval or gulf or chasm. And here is represents a line crossed that cannot be reversed. Judgment has arrived.
All terms are spoken of in the present tense, because of their certainty of occurring, though they are future events.
Mans utopia will never occur. Mans destiny as ruler of the galaxy or of the universe will never occur.
However, because of mans intolerance, because of mans arrogance, because of mans indifference toward truth, judgment will come. And there is nothing that anyone can do to stop or prevent it for human history.
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