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15 And[kai] the seventh[hebdomos] angel[aggelos] sounded;[salpizo] and[kai] there were[ginomai] great[megas] voices[phone] in[en] heaven,[ouranos] saying,[lego] The kingdoms [basileia] of this world[kosmos] are become[ginomai] the kingdoms of our[hemon] Lord,[kurios] and[kai] of his[autos] Christ;[Christos] and[kai] he shall reign[basileuo] for[eis] ever[aion] and ever.[aion]KJV-Interlinear
15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there arose loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever." NASB
Since Genesis, the anointed of God, Jesus Christ, has been the focus and center piece of Gods divine plan. Since eternity past, when the second person of the Trinity was given the title, Son of God, His rule and sovereignty was foretold and conveyed as an event which is certain.
In many passages in the Old Testament, His Kingdom and eventual rule is promised and explained, but not until this book of Revelation, are the details of those final years of human rule, explained in such great detail.
In three series of steps, Christ, through John, describes the written warnings through the seals, the imminent warnings through the trumpets, and finally the actual judgments themselves through the bowl judgments.
The final three in each respective category, represent the most horrific of judgments ever.
Christ, through this book has given humanity fair warning in writing. Christ has given humanity fair warning through real events in history. And now, in the end, the final warning will come when the actual final events of history are carried out.
Through the seven years of the tribulation, there will be many who will ignore the warning signs. Signs that are simply too real to ignore, and yet they will be ignored.
Just as in other times of history, when people have ignored the warnings signs of current events in each respective generation, then there will always be those who never accept the truth of life and the truth of their own failure to see it. We are living such an example even in our current day, with all of the horrible government policies and social attitudes that we have now, combined with the many problems that we all face today. People simply ignore them, and many presume that the problems are due to someone else's fault. Not their own.
But with the seventh trumpet, all the warnings will have been made, and now the actual judgments will begin.
The seventh trumpet sets in motion the final consummation of Gods redemptive plan. This trumpet describes the final fury of the Day of the Lord judgments (16), the final harvest of judgment on earth (11:18; 16:19), and the Lamb's defeat of the kings of the earth (17:12-18), culminating in the final, climactic triumph of Christ at Armageddon (19:11-21).
With the sounding of the seventh trumpet, the warnings have been completed, and now God will act and retake from Satan, that which is rightfully His.
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