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Revelation 11:9

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9 And[kai] they[blepo] of[ek] the people[laos] and[kai] kindreds[phule] and[kai] tongues[glossa] and[kai] nations[ethnos] shall see[blepo] their[autos] dead bodies[ptoma] three[treis] days[hemera] and[kai] an half,[hemisu] and[kai] shall[aphiemi] not[ou] suffer[aphiemi] their[autos] dead bodies[ptoma] to be put[tithemi] in[eis] graves.[mnema] KJV-Interlinear



9 And those from the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their dead bodies for three and a half days, and will not permit their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb. NASB



The phrase, they of the people, indicates that some of the people, but not all of the people. And these would refer to the people that were local to the city in which the two witnesses were killed.


These people will represent many nations and cultures and languages.  They will be in Jerusalem for whatever reasons that brought them there, but obviously they will see and be aware of the two witnesses, since the two will have been preaching for 1260 days, or about three-and-a-half-years.


Their ministry will have attracted the curiosity of people from all over the world, who will come to the city to see them in person. After all, these two men will have been performing miracles and will have demonstrated powers of defense against attackers and so forth.


And, rather than coming to the city to hear their message, people will come to see their miracles. And, perhaps since this prophecy of their demise could easily be known to everyone, then people may well have come to see them get killed, and/or even be raised back to life.


The next verse shows the reaction that folks will have when that occurs.


The two witnesses, when they are killed, will be left lying in the street where they are killed. People will come to gawk at them. And no one will try to bury them. No one will be allowed to bury them. They will lay there for three-and-a-half-days.


And even if people know of their predicted deaths, and should also know of their being raised back to life, most folks choose to believe and remember only what they want to believe and remember.


Many folks unfortunately are very selective about things in life, and live life only for the entertainment value of events, never learning from them.


The power of their message was not sufficient to get folks to believe in Christ. The power of the many judgments that will have occurred during that same timeframe, will not be sufficient to get people to believe in Christ. And yet there will still be some who will believe, but only if something even more threatening occurs. And that something, is coming up in the next couple of verses.






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