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Revelation 9:13

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13 And[kai] the sixth[hektos] angel[aggelos] sounded,[salpizo] and[kai] I heard[akouo] a[mia] voice[phone] from[ek] the four[tessares] horns[keras] of the golden[chruseos] altar[thusiasterion] which[ho] is before[enopion] God,[theos]   KJV-Interlinear



13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,   NASB



Earlier we studied the incense which was added to the golden alter (of incense), representing the prayers of believers offered to God. And from those prayers God presented grace, although judgments, to the world for the repentance of humanity back to truth and away from evil.


Through this point, some turned to God, but most continued in their rejection.


And now we have a change in approach in Gods policy toward evil humanity. The prayers for mercy, and ending the evil toward believers and such, is going to come to an end.


The time for mercy has now passed.Many warnings have been issued and all have been rejected.


The voice came from the four horns on the alter, not from the alter itself.


Remember that the coals come from the brazen alter, the first alter, which represents the work of Christ in accomplishing our salvation, by his sacrifice on the Cross.


The coals are taken from the brazen alter, to the golden alter of incense, and placed in that second alter, which in turn has incense placed into the burning coals, representing the prayers offered to God, through the work of Christ. The smoke rises up to God (symbolically), representing that this is an acceptable approach to God (the Father), because it is accomplished through Christ’s work, and not from mans works.


The four horns represent the totality of Gods plan and policy.  One can lay hold of any of the horns from any direction, so long as it is through Christ, but one cannot approach God from any other method, especially not from ones own plan.


And now the totality of Gods plan speaks.


Christ has done His work. People have accepted that work through their belief.Prayers have been offered in accordance with Gods policy.All of that has been answered by means of grace, patience and mercy throughout many millennia of history.


And now, that door is closed.


Those who were going to believe in Christ, have done so. Those who have rejected Christ will continue to reject.Life is now going to get really ugly … really ugly.



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