Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.

Top Ten - Ugly Cats


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Revelation 8:13





13 And[kai] I beheld,[eido] and[kai] heard[akouo] an[heis] angel[aggelos] flying[petomai] through[en] the midst of heaven,[mesouranema] saying[lego] with a loud[megas] voice,[phone] Woe,[ouai] woe,[ouai] woe,[ouai] to the inhabiters [katoikeo] of[epi] the earth[ge] by reason of[ek] the other[loipoy] voices[phone] of the trumpet[salpigx] of the three[treis] angels,[aggelos] which[ho] are yet[mello] to sound[salpizo]!   KJV-Interlinear



13 And I looked, and I heard an eagle flying in midheaven, saying with a loud voice, "Woe, woe, woe, to those who dwell on the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!"    NASB



Four trumpets have sounded.The first three were severe warnings, that were vast in their magnitude, but did not affect the entire planet.They were only a warning to humanity, to repent and change their ways, or else.


And then we have an interlude, a pause, if you will.Its duration is not specified, but one would presume that God will give humanity enough time to consider their ways, to repent, and to save themselves more grief.


But where in these verses do you read, ‘And they repented.’Well, you do not find that phrase, because there is a vast population that is holding fast to their worldly views and possessions.  They hold fast to their evil ways, Rev. 9:20-21, 16:9,11.


The angel that is flying in mid-heaven, is issuing a warning to humanity. This is symbolism. Humanity has not responded to the first three trumpets, and will not listen to this message.


The angel, ‘aggelos,’ is likened to an eagle, ‘aetou,’ with the use of the verb, flying, ‘petomai.’ The flying is one of a bird swooping down in an attack mode, toward its prey.The prey has no chance.The prey does not even know that the eagle is swooping in toward him. And then the eagle strikes and the prey is shocked, totally surprised beyond imagination at what has just happened to him.


And this is the picture given here.


The angel, the messenger is issuing a warning.The first three trumpet judgments should have been warning enough to convince people. But when people are negative toward truth, negative toward learning, stubborn in their own opinions so that they become unteachable, then when reality finally strikes, they are taken completely by surprise, when they should have known better.


The first three trumpets should have been a warning.But then remember that the world has already fallen apart due to the anti-christs (and Satan’s) failed attempt at a utopia.  Economies have failed, unemployment has skyrocketed, food supplies have dwindled, famine is the order of the day, gangs and violence are common place, death had been all around, such that how many have already died? Do you remember, Rev. 6:8? The world is already in a shambles.


How could anyone not see what is really going on around them?


The angel cries out, ‘Woe, woe, woe.’ The word for woe, ‘ouai,’ means grief.And tripled, it carries the connotation of extreme anguish, despair, misery, and terror. Emphasis on the word, extreme.


Instead of opening up their eyes and seeing, closing their mouth’s and listening, and learning, people continue with their arrogant opinions, believing that they know better.They interpret, they predict, they engage in gossip and expressing their opinions, with little regard for the consequences of their words and actions.  And yet many will be derailed in their spiritual lives, due to the arrogance of people driven by their ego for self attention.


The population during this time, will be worse than that. They will reject God, Christ, doctrine, and all things that make up truth, even in the face of a world that by that time, will have had a huge population reduction by death, at their own hands.


All things evil begin with people who refuse to learn, and here even still after much devastation, their refusal to learn, will lead to some of the most horrible judgments in all of human history.


But these final trumpets will still not be the worst.And that is a sad testimony of just how stubborn and unteachable and evil, people can really get.



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