10 And[kai] the third[tritos] angel[aggelos] sounded,[salpizo] and[kai] there fell[pipto] a great[megas] star[aster] from[ek] heaven,[ouranos] burning[kaio] as it were[hos] a lamp,[lampas] and[kai] it fell[pipto] upon[epi] the third part[tritos] of the rivers,[potamos] and[kai] upon[epi] the fountains[pege] of waters;[hudor]
11 And[kai] the name[onoma] of the star[aster] is called[lego] Wormwood:[apsinthos] and[kai] the third part[tritos] of the waters[hudor] became[ginomai][eis] wormwood;[apsinthos] and[kai] many[polus] men[anthropos] died[apothnesko] of[ek] the waters,[hudor] because[hoti] they were made bitter.[pikraino]
10 And
the third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a
torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters;
11 and
the name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third
of the waters became wormwood; and many men died from the waters, because they
were made bitter. Â Â Â NASB
First we need to peek
quickly at the first verse in the next chapter.Â
There another star falls from heaven, and to that star was given a key.
That star as with this
star in our current verse, is not a literal celestial body, but is
representative of the commands issued by God, from heaven, and pointed toward
The star did not fall,
but came down from.The star was not a
literal star or a comet or an asteroid, but was an expression which indicates
that the judgment represented by the star, came from God, who resides on His thone, in heaven.
If a literal star had
struck the earth, then the earth would not survive such a strike. Actually the earth would have burned up long
before the star reached it.So this is
not a star.Likewise, the waters of the
world, a third of them, are going to be made bitter. Any comet or asteroid would not affect the
world’s water supply in that manner.Â
They could not break apart in to enough pieces to affect the worlds water supply, which by the way also includes wells
and springs.
This star carried with it
a lamp as in a lamp-bearer, lighting its way from heaven to the earth. And this message makes it very clear that,
that message if one from God.
If the human race chooses
to be bitter or sour on doctrine, which is the living sweet waters of life,
then the world deserves to have bitter water for its own consumption to match
its attitude.
And so, the third trumpet
strikes the worlds fresh water supply with wormwood,
which means bitterness or poison.
Evil is never sweet but
bitter.Evil is never right but
wrong.Evil is never life but
And so the world has
chosen evil over truth even with what has already occurred thus far in the
review. By
the end of the Church Age, everyone who will believe in Christ,
will have done so.The great apostasy
predicted by Jesus and again Paul, will be the state of the world. The Rapture will occur so as to restart the
Age of Israel and conclude its final seven years of history, but also to bring
to bear more pressure so that more people will believe in Christ and be saved.
During that time (the
seven years), God will allow Satan and his ‘messiah’ to have their chance at
bringing in their utopia.It will fail
horribly and millions will die in the process.Â
Most of those will have believed in Christ, due to the extreme stress
they were enduring at the hands of the anti-christ
and his policies.
But the world is still
evil and there are still many remaining that will believe in Christ, but they
will need more pressure brought to bear, before they believe. Thus the trumpet, woe,
thunder, and bowl judgments.
With increasing pressure
from God, many will believe and many will dig themselves deeper into their
rejection of Christ.
With the first three
trumpets, the plant life, the seas, and now the fresh water supplies are the
targets of Gods judgment.And as with
each judgment, some will perish, but now with this third trumpet, the human death
rate will grow more rapidly.
Fresh water will become bitter
to the point of poisonous.
But in each of these
trumpet judgments, not all of the world is
struck.Most of the world is left
unaffected, at least indirectly.
Note that when the first and
second angels sounded their trumpets, the judgment occurred immediately. But with the third trumpet sounding, the
message was sent from heaven, and that message was clear (a flamebearer),
or was intended to be made clear, that these were not ordinary actions of
nature, but actions directly from God.
Humanity always has the
choice between truth or bitterness. Which do you suppose is the better of the two?
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