6 And[kai] the seven[hepta] angels[aggelos] which[ho] had[echo] the seven[hepta] trumpets[salpigx] prepared[hetoimazo] themselves[heautou] to[hina] sound.[salpizo] Â Â KJV-Interlinear
6 And
the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound them. Â Â Â NASB
One day in the future,
the evils of humanity will become so bad, that God will rain destruction down
upon the earth, and put the earth under such a high degree of pressure, that
virtually everything that man counted as worthy, will be destroyed.
The winepress of judgment
will squeeze and squeeze and squeeze humanity until all that will believe in
Christ, will do so, and all that will ultimately refuse to believe, will fix themselves
permanently in their hate against Christ.
All of the efforts of
humanity to save and to preserve, and to, in effect, control the planet and
society, all of those attempts will fail miserably.
Today we see ongoing
efforts to create social equities, to create a one world monetary, economic,
and government system, and even to control the climate. Â And while the publicity is directed at human
decency, hope and change, rights and equality, and the avoidance of decline and
hardship in every respect, the underlying motive is greed and lust for power
and control over all.
The result? Total failure and devastation, and atrocities
beyond imagination.
Even the current oil
spill in the Gulf of Mexico, though it is not even in the top twenty worst oil spills
of all time, is getting so much publicity, that you would think that it is the
worst of the worst of disasters.The global
warming hoax, which was exposed earlier this past year, over false statistics,
and false motives of a few scientists and politicians, is not even covered in
the major news outlets, except for a couple of them. But then the global warming and anti-business,
and health care issues have become the cornerstones for gaining control over
virtually everything and everyone on the planet, so, to discredit them would cancel
out all attempts to accomplish the ultimate objective of ruling the world.
And ruling the world is
whose objective?
Both Satan and man, in
lacking Gods truth, pursue the most bizarre policies, driven by ego and lust,
deception and corruption, and all of mans (and Satan’s) plans will culminate in
the world’s most horrific disasters, ever.
But worse than that, they
will end in the world’s most horrific atrocities, ever. Because when human plans fail, then people are
blamed and people end up paying the ultimate price in suffering and
persecution.We have already seen this
in the removal of the first five seals.
And at some point God will
says, ‘Enough.’Â
And now while mans plans continue in their downward spiral, Gods plans
begin to unfold, and become ever closer, as the trumpets of announcement are
being readied due to Gods hearing and accepting the prayers of believers from
all of human history, and especially those increased prayers that will be
offered in the Tribulation.
The rapid pace of the
judgments that the trumpets will unleash, including still undefined judgments
called the seven thunders, will bring everyone, without exception, to the
conclusion that it is indeed God, and specifically Jesus Christ, who is behind them. And from Him there will be no place to run or
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