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Revelation 8:2





2 And[kai] I saw[eido] the seven[hepta] angels[aggelos] which[hos] stood[histemi] before[enopion] God;[theos] and[kai] to them[autos] were given[didomi] seven[hepta] trumpets.[salpigx]   KJV-Interlinear



2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God; and seven trumpets were given to them.    NASB



There were seven angels which stood, ‘histemi,’ which carries the connotation of being present, or appointed, or standing by while awaiting instructions.


The number represents the symbolism of totality, of fullness, or of completion. And here when seven angels are given seven trumpets, this represents that totality of Gods plan drawing nearer and nearer to its final outcome.It is ready to be announced and presented.


Whereas the number three is symbolic of the completeness of a whole, such as in the trinity, and the number four, is symbolic of a completeness of range, such as in the four points of a compass, or the four phases of the moon. 


Then seven becomes a combination of both in symbolizing the totality of a completed thing in all respects, such as in Gods plan.  Nothing further can be added, modified, or taken away, as it is a finished product, so to speak.


The seven days of the week, the seven churches, and so forth represent a completed totality in their respective ways.And by the way, the church was represented with the number seven, whereas Israel is represented by the number twelve, which is used as symbolism for the number of a selection. Israel, its twelve tribes and so forth were selected by God.Selected is the making of a choice out of a larger group.The twelve-thousand evangelists (from each tribe) we studied earlier, were selected for their intended purpose of evangelizing the world. They become the selected group (144,000), out from the selected nation, Israel (twelve tribes).


And here we have seven angels (messengers), and seven trumpets (announcements), being lined up for the announcement of the final phase of the rule of humanity and Satan, on earth.


Angels are often used by God, as messengers.


Trumpets are used primarily in official settings to announce the arrival or entrance of something or someone of importance.They are now here, and trumpets are used to call the masses to order, to quiet the crowd, to bring everyone's attention to the matter at hand.


And this leads us to understand that when the Tribulation really gets underway, everyone will know that this is the last days, the end of history. That is why in the previous chapter, we saw the believers praying to God, and those back on earth, calling to the rocks the mountains and so forth, to fall on them because the terror and pressure, and fear, and suffering will be too great for anyone to bear.


Possibly for the first time since Adam and Eve, the entire planet will be focused on God even if for different reasons.



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