Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 7:16





16 They shall hunger[peinao] no[ou] more,[eti] neither[oude] thirst[dipsao] any more;[eti] neither[oude][me] shall[pipto] the sun[helios] light[pipto] on[epi] them,[autos] nor[oude] any[pas] heat.[kauma]   KJV-Interlinear



16 "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; neither shall the sun beat down on them, nor any heat;   NASB



Almost a perfect quote from Isa. 49:10, this verse states clearly that the things that these people experienced and suffered from, namely hunger, thirst, and the pressures of the sun and heat of daily life, will not be upon them anymore.


During the latter half of the Tribulation, people will experience some of the most horrifying things, in all of human history.


Satan’s interference with day to day life will bring hardships on everyone. Anytime that the government gets into the economics of life, costs go up, productivity goes down, and the quality of life diminishes.


Problems have occurred in the past and they will be much worse in the future, in the Tribulation.


With government interference that is to come, production will set in, famine will become the order of the day, and starvation will take the lives of vast millions. But following close behind the famine and starvation, will come gangs, with violence in their hearts, but worst of all, these gangs will be cannibals, harvesting people rather than crops.


Of the hundreds of recorded famines over the last thirty centuries, many of the most severe famines saw brutal cannibalism as well as other forms of violence. The victims suffered horribly before they finally died.


These believers who are mentioned in the previous verses, will have died by means of many different methods, some at the hands of people, some due to natural disasters.But regardless of the cause of their death, all of them, without even one exception, will have peace and tranquility forever in heaven.


On the earth the worst of the worst of experiences will be ongoing for a while longer, but in heaven, absolute peace and relief will be the order of the day.


The pressures, the terrors, the burdens of life will all be a thing of the past, and will never occur again, ever.


This is true for those believers who will suffer horribly in the future, in the Tribulation, and it is true for people today in our current time.


Regardless of the your circumstances, when you finally get to heaven, all of life's burdens and pressures will cease to exist. There will be no more sorrow, no more tears, no more pain, and certainly no more death.



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