Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 7:2





2 And[kai] I saw[eido] another[allos] angel[aggelos] ascending[anabaino][anabaino] from[apo] the east[anatole],[helios] having[echo] the seal[sphragis] of the living[zao] God:[theos] and[kai] he cried[krazo] with a loud[megas] voice[phone] to the four[tessares] angels,[aggelos] to whom[hos] it[autos] was given[didomi] to hurt[adikeo] the earth[ge] and[kai] the sea,[thalassa]  KJV-Interlinear



2 And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the seal of the living God; and he cried out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,   NASB



A fifth angel is seen by John.Some feel that this is actually Jesus Christ, as He was often referred to with the title, ‘Angel of the Lord’ in the Old Testament.


However, the word for another,’allos,’ refers to something of the same type, or more of the same kind.


Since the first four angels are referred to as such, so this fifth angel has the same designation.


He carries with him, the credentials of God, indicated here as the ‘living God,’ so as not to be confused with any of the many false gods, that do not possess life.


The seal is an indicator of credentials.The nature of the seal is not indicated, however that is not the focus of this verse anyway.Nor is the angel, per se.


What is important, is that the angel comes with a message, or command.That command comes from God, and the angel brings sufficient authoritative credentials to substantiate that his message originates from God and from no other source.


Ascending from the rising of the sun, further illuminates, so to speak, his origin and message.The sun rises in the east, and brings the first light of day along with it. This only serves to further symbolize the source and origin of the angel and his message.


Jesus Christ controls history.No one else does, nor can they.


And even as the winds of the earth (symbolical of judgment) are restless and anxious to break out with their judgments, they cannot because God has four angels restraining them. And, this fifth angel gives them further instructions, from God, to continue holding them back (holding back judgments), until they are told to release them.


The earth and the sea is a reference to the entire planet.


Hurt, ‘adikeo,’ refers to social, moral and physical harm, punishment, vengeance, to be unjust.And as evil has brought unjust treatment on the earth, so then, justice will bring the same treatment against evil.Evil brings a certain level of violence, and justice will bring a greater level of violence to quash it.


Evil would not hesitate to destroy the earth, forfeiting the rights of everyone. God postpones the punishment of evil, in order that many will be saved.



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