Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.

Top Ten - Ugly Cats


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Revelation 7:1a





1 And[kai] after[meta] these things[tauta] I saw[eido] four[tessares] angels[aggelos] standing[histemi] on[epi] the four[tessares] corners[gonia] of the earth,[ge] holding[krateo] the four[tessares] winds[anemos] of the earth,[ge] that[hina me] the wind[anemos] should[pneo] not[hina me] blow[pneo] on[epi] the earth,[ge] nor[mete] on[epi] the sea,[thalassa] nor[mete] on[epi] any[pas] tree.[dendron]   KJV-Interlinear



1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind should blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree.    NASB



John now begins a new vision.This new vision in introduced ‘after these things,’ or after the vision of the first six seals. This is not a chronological sequence of events, but the next increment of revelations from God to John.


The pattern of the Tribulation is set out in chapter six.


The first five seals demonstrate, mans pursuit of his own solution to his own problems. Humanity in general will reject their own fault in any of this, and refuse to see the results of their own actions and policies, despite the horrendous results.


The hero ‘white’ horse turns to economic disaster, turns to extreme crime and governmental abuse, which turns into death worldwide, which turns into a world so messed up and destabilized, that God has to step in to end it all.


Throughout it all, humanity will reject God and continue to pursue their own wisdom, which is false and disastrous.


But then after the sixth seal, the events of the seventh seal which include the trumpet warnings, the woes, the thunders, and the final bowl judgments, will all have Gods hand in them, and only then will people become so terrified of God, and finally recognize His awesome power, to their own detriment.


The Tribulation begins with the removal of all believers in the Rapture. The population remaining on the earth will be unbelievers only.


Throughout the next seven years, many will recognize Gods hand in all of this and believe in Christ and be saved.Many will become evangelists.


During the next seven years, all unbelievers will eventually die.  Most will die at the end, at the Second Advent of Christ.


But also, many will believe in Christ and be saved, but will die as martyrs at the hands of gangs, of criminals, of government organized death squads, and so forth.


No one on the entire planet will be untouched by the horrors that will take place.


A very few will turn to Christ, will figure it all out early on, will take to the hills or mountains and ride it out and survive until the Second Advent. These few will be the ones who will enter into the Millennium, to re-populate the Millennial Kingdom. Most will be gentiles from all nations, but many will also be Jewish believers who will be saved and rescued by Christ at the Second Advent.


Many of these details are spelled out in Habakkuk, Nahum, Micah, Malachi, Isaiah, Haggai, and Zechariah.


It is because of those who will believe in Christ, that God holds off the judgments in order to allow the re-establishment of evangelism and the spread of the gospel, so that many will have the opportunity to believe and be saved.


And that restraint, begins the introduction in chapter seven.



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