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Top Ten - Ugly Cats


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Revelation 6:12b





12 And[kai] I beheld[eido] when[hote] he had opened[anoigo] the sixth[hektos] seal,[sphragis] and,[kai] lo,[idou] there was[ginomai] a great[megas] earthquake;[seismos] and[kai] the sun[helios] became[ginomai] black[melas] as[hos] sackcloth[sakkos] of hair,[trichinos] and[kai] the moon[selene] became[ginomai] as[hos] blood;[haima]  KJV-Interlinear



12 And I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood;    NASB



From the time that Adam and Eve were in the Garden, Jesus Christ walked daily with them, but they were still fooled and chose sin and failed.


From the time of their eviction out of the Garden to the Flood, there is every indication of strong scriptural influence.The conflict between Cain and Abel demonstrated mans rejection of Gods sacrificial requirements (Gods work), and the building o the Ark indicated mans rejection of Gods warnings and salvation methodology.


After the flood, the time of the Patriarchs, the time of the enslavement, the development of a nation, the time of the Judges, the desire to be ruled by man rather than God, right down to the time of the birth of the Savior, humanity failed terribly, even though humanity had prophets and scriptures, and miracles galore.


After the First Advent, humanity had only the written word, and the supporting ministry of the Holy Spirit.No more prophets, no more miracles, per se, nothing to guide man but faith and words written on a page, and still man failed.


When the Rapture occurs, then the Holy Spirit (the restraining ministry) will be removed from the world, and sin will be allowed to run rampant with no constraints. Things will get really bad, as we have already seen from the first four seals.


Throughout all of human history, God has held everything together in one way or another, but humanity has wanted to have things his own way, so with the Tribulation, humanity will get his wish.And what do they say about making wishes?Be careful what you wish for!


I am sure that during your life you have had encounters with people who have wished God away, or presume that they can do things better than God. And here is the chance that everyone has expressed – the Tribulation.


And how bad will life get?


Well, we discussed it a bit yesterday, but now for a more in-depth look at the symbolism in this verse and the remainder of this chapter.


A great earthquake, ‘megas seismos,’ meaning exceedingly great, mighty, overwhelming. And earthquake, means just that, or a tempest or a raging storm. This term is in the feminine gender, and for good reason.Have you ever encountered a woman on the warpath?Well, if you have been around for any length of time, then you know that among the females of the species, the hormones can bring about such drama and attitude, that if you are ever caught in the crosshairs as their victim, your life won’t be worth even doggie doo-doo.


And under the leadership of man, absent Gods restraints, the world will be in full rebellion.


The sun being black as sackcloth of hair, is a reference to the rough apparel made of black goat hair, and is worn when a person is in extreme mourning and grieving over the loss of loved ones, or over the loss of ones situation.


The moon becoming blood red, is a reference to the total disruption of the normal cycles of life.The moon is used to chart and determine the calendar and the seasons, but when it is out of whack, then life is out of whack.  The moon normally is used to display love and contentment, but a disrupted moon means sleepless nights, despair, anxiety, hopelessness with both physical and mental pain. Even suicide is considered as normal if it will allow ones escape from troubles.  And the troubles of the world will be immense.


And so John begins to paint a picture of extreme, beyond imagination, gloom and doom.


This is not like losing ones job, or a home because of a storm, because you usually have alternatives for help, whether insurance or savings or charities, or family or some type of resource that can step in and help. In those situations the difficulty may be great, but it is usually short lived or at least gives you a way out.


In the Tribulation, there will be no help to turn to.Law and order will be gone.Gangs will roam and do as they please.Public services will be in huge disarray and virtually ineffective.  Disasters will be worldwide.Laws will prevent you from doing almost anything, and if you lose your identification or papers, then you are screwed big time. And business and jobs will be hammered into non-existence.


And, this is only the beginning of the outlook on life that people will have during this the most terrible period of human history ever.


John paints a picture of a very high stress and dismal time, where hopelessness and helplessness will rule.


So, wouldn’t you think that people would come to Christ in droves?


Some will, most won’t.



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