Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 5:7





7 And[kai] he came[erchomai] and[kai] took[lambano] the book[biblion] out of[ek] the right hand[dexios] of him that sat[kathemai] upon[epi] the throne.[thronos]     KJV-Interlinear



7 And He came, and He took it out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.    NASB



Verse seven finishes the symbolism of the actions taken by God, finishing all that is necessary for the completion of history as it was and is intended to be finished.  The victory of good over evil.  The securing of redemption over destruction.


The throne represents the seat of power, ultimate power in heaven, of God.In His hand is the last and final chapter (book) of history for humanity. Humanity will secure redemption if Gods plan works, or humanity will dissolve into oblivion if Gods plan does not work.


The lamb is the plan of God for salvation. Jesus Christ became that sacrificial lamb, went to the cross, died spiritually paying the price for the sins of humanity, dying physically and then being resurrected thus defeating death, and securing Gods strategic victory over Satan and evil.


The lamb earned the right to seize hold of the final chapter of history, and bring it to its proper conclusion.


Truth wins out over lies. Facts win out over pretense. Reality wins out over delusion.


In all of these things, God took part in one-hundred percent of the effort to accomplish it all.  And Jesus Christ is the focal point of all of Gods efforts and work.


And now the lamb, the savior of the world, Jesus Christ the Son of God, all one and the same, hold the final key to history and He has taken possession for the conclusion of human history, in accordance with His timetable.


While we sit back in our homes or at work, contemplating what we will have for dinner, what we will be doing this coming weekend, how we will pay the rent, how we can get ahead in life or just survive from day to day, making our earthly plans the focus of our attention, and so forth, Jesus Christ has seized control over all of human history, and is preparing to launch His greatest attack against evil, and change everything that exists, in a very dramatic way.


Meanwhile, everything we do from day to day, seems to continue as before.Except for the occasional major earthquake, which seems to be more frequent these days, life appears to continue without any great or significant earth shattering events.


And if it were not for the predictions given to us by Jesus over 1900 years ago, we would have no clue that we were nearing the end, a very dramatic end, of normal history as humanity has known it.


And with the subtlety of grass growing slowly in the field, so too, society across the globe is ever so slowly moving away from doctrine and into apostasy.


In the past century, the twentieth century, the world demonstrated a dramatic lack of resolve for fighting tyranny. Were it not for the Christian based United States, the two world wars would have had very different outcomes. As there was not any other single staging nation for the defeat of tyranny that was raising its head in the world.


But even the ‘greatest generation’ as the World War Two generation was called, and has now nearly all passed away, as the ‘greatest hour’ as the British once called their greatest defense against overwhelming odds, has long since vanished and has been replaced with their social government, so too, most of Europe has gone the path of social government and has seen a decline in Christian doctrine in truth, as has the rest of the world.


And so even in the United States, the fight against social or liberal or progressive philosophies, is facing its greatest test.


Long ago, when our country won its freedom, many of those who fought for that freedom, gave their wealth and possessions to gain that freedom.They ended the fight winning freedom, but losing all that they had.


How many today would be so willing to risk all that they own, in order to preserve and sustain that same freedom? And probably for most, that answer would be, very few.


The past couple of generations have become used to their entitlement benefits and expectations of that which the government promises to provide.And probably the next couple of generations will become even more dependent and needing of government provisions.


The loser?  Freedom, innovation, prosperity.  And when freedom vanishes, when innovation vanishes, when prosperity vanishes, then tyranny raises its head and suffering increases dramatically.


This is the prediction of the end of our dispensation – the great apostasy, and then the Rapture and then the Tribulation, and then the seals of history are broken and the events of that future history become realities.



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
