Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 4:11





11 Thou art[ei] worthy,[axios] O Lord,[kurios] to receive[lambano] glory[doxa] and[kai] honour[time] and[kai] power:[dunamis] for[hoti] thou[su] hast created[ktizo] all things,[pas] and[kai] for[dia] thy[sou] pleasure[thelema] they are[eisi] and[kai] were created.[ktizo]     KJV-Interlinear



11 "Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for Thou didst create all things, and because of Thy will they existed, and were created."    NASB



Worthy means to be deserving, qualified, suitable, due reward.


And who is worthy?  God.And more specifically the one who occupies the throne in heaven, namely Jesus Christ, of whom this entire Bible, is all about.


And why is Christ worthy? Because of all that He is, His essence, His attributes, His power, His plan, His ability, His trustworthyness, His creation, His destiny that He has prepared for every person, His righteousness, His justice, His grace, and on and on and on. The entire content of chapter four, which we have just finished studying, is a testimony for all who have the ability to see the truth.


We have been able to peer into heaven, through John’s vision, and to see the perfect life of peace offered by God, to see the awesome power and ability and stability and provision of God, in accomplishing that perfect life, and the total absence of conflict, strife, deceit, lies, and burdens of all types.


Jesus Christ is qualified to receive glory, honor and authority, not because someone has given it to Him, but because He alone has done all of the work of creation and history, for the end purpose of good for all.


Jesus Christ created all things. The word for create, ‘ktizo,’ means to manufacture by means of proprietary right.


It is God who created the angels. It is God who created the universe.It is God who created life of all types.And God created them all, with perfection, Isa. 45:18.


It is Satan who caused deterioration, flaws, defects, and chaos in the universe and in life, Isa. 14:16-17, Rom 8:19-22.


The universe was created out of nothing, and it was created in an instant. The universe was created because of the will of God, and not from its own circumstances, and not from the source of its own components. The universe is not self-existent, not a recurring phenomena, does not possess authority over itself.


Proprietary, means the sole ownership of God, in design, invention, application and function.  God caused the universe to come into existence, and God sustains the universe through the various laws that He alone invented.The laws of nature are neither natural nor accidental.


One would presume that the next universe (a better one), will have an entirely different set of rules which will govern it. That thought alone should get your imaginative juices flowing!


And therefore, since God is worthy, because of all that He is and who He is, and what He is, He alone holds the documents of history (the divine decrees), in which is written the entire content of human history, and more specifically the documents upon which is recorded the final years of mans rule on planet earth – the Tribulation.


And those details are about to be revealed in the next chapter



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
