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Revelation 4:8





8 And[kai] the four[tessares] beasts[zoon] had[echo] each[ana][heis] of them[kata][heautou] six[hex] wings[pterux] about[kuklothen] him; and[kai] they were full[gemo] of eyes[ophthalmos] within:[esothen] and[kai] they rest[anapausis] not[ou][echo] day[hemera] and[kai] night,[nux] saying,[lego] Holy,[hagios] holy,[hagios] holy,[hagios] Lord[kurios] God[theos] Almighty,[pantokrator] which[ho] was[en],[ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos] and[kai] is[on],[ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos] and[kai] is to come[erchomai].[ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos]  KJV-Interlinear



8 And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within; and day and night they do not cease to say, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come."    NASB



One of the biggest errors in commentaries with regard to this verse, is that angels are presumed as being a part of the context, when they are never referred to at all.


Thus far we have had a description of entities with dramatic symbolism forcing us to look to the meanings of the symbols, and not to the entities as people or angels or animals or any type of creature.


And so it is with the wings. The mention of six wings has a tendency of directing ones attention to the six winged angels mentioned in Isaiah 6. And those six wings represented the highest of honors, and positions. They covered the eyes, the feet, and flight, in pairs of wings.These represent reverence, humility, and obedience in ones compliance with Gods will. They also represent responsibility and privilege.


However, wings throughout the Old Testament have had other meanings.They are a part of birds, and ancient sculptures such as bulls, lions, and animals of various sorts.These wing images usually symbolize phenomenal speed, and endless strength or power, or healing.  The wings of a dove symbolize love.


Several references to wings are found in Zech 5:9, Job 39:26, Psa. 17:8, 18:10, 55:6, 68:13, 139:9, Prov. 23:5, Isa. 40:31, Mal. 4:2, Matt. 23:37.


The number six, is also the number assigned to man.Man was created on the sixth day.


The image of the throne and entities have thus far been symbolizing the power and plan of God, which power, is overwhelming.But when you combine the wings of reverence, humility and obedience, then you have a picture of Gods undivided grace and love.


And the reason that we come to this conclusion is that in the next phrase, full of eyes, which is an expression for endless eyes or infinite eyes, which never cease in their observations (all knowing), and in the next phrase, holy, holy, holy, mentioned three times, to emphasize Gods perfect essence, then we round out the entire picture of Gods total essence as an individual and as a trinity.


Holiness is the combination of righteousness and justice.Righteousness is Gods perfect sinless character, and justice is Gods perfect due process, or cleansing process, for dealing with sin and evil in all of its forms, washing it away forever.


The four entities ceaselessly repeat the words, holy, holy, holy, thus tying them eternally to God, and especially to the one who occupies the throne, Jesus Christ.


To the God almighty, means the highest authority and person in all of the universe.  Almighty, ‘pantokrator,’ here means ruler.And therefore being God, He is the ultimate and highest ruler and authority and sovereign over all that exists.


Who is, who was, and who is to come, is a reference to Gods eternal existence.Jesus Christ is in view here.There was never a time in which He did not exist, and there will never be a time that He will not exist.Christ is eternal and infinite, and above Him, there is nothing else nor ever will be.


And thus, when God declares war on evil, He is justified in His cause and purpose and plan.  And, He possesses the resources and abilities to defeat evil, permanently and forever.



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