Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 4:6a





6 And[kai] before[enopion] the throne[thronos] there was a sea[thalassa] of glass[hualinos] like[homoios] unto crystal:[krustallos] and[kai] in[en] the midst[mesos] of the throne,[thronos] and[kai] round about[kuklo] the throne,[thronos] were four[tessares] beasts[zoon] full[gemo] of eyes[ophthalmos] before[emprosthen] and[kai] behind.[opisthen]   KJV-Interlinear



6 and before the throne there was, as it were, a sea of glass like crystal; and in the center and around the throne, four living creatures full of eyes in front and behind.    NASB



Thus far we have seen the steadfastness of heaven and the power and ultimate authority of God. 


Johns vision continues in that concept with what appears to be a sea, stretching throughout the vast expanse of heaven, so as to fill it all.


In the scriptures, the sea has many references.To list them all would take a book.However, the sea is generally used to symbolize the nations of man, and the stormy seas, mans rebellious ways in sin. But even as the seas storm and wash out of their boundaries, they always settle back into the boundaries that God has established for them.


Man can rebel, but man has limitations placed on him and beyond those limitations, he cannot go. The stormy seas are mans restlessness and rebellion against truth and God.  They are mans attempt to decide his own destiny, however, mans chosen destiny is destruction, while Gods chosen destiny for man is far better.


In heaven John saw a sea of glsss, like crystal.And, John saw this sea, before the throne, or as it were, the sea was due to the throne, it did not exist because of its own volition.It existed only because God caused it to exist.


God is truth.  God is perfect righteousness and perfect justice. God is omniscient and possesses foreknowledge of all that will ever be.God is sovereign and therefore can control and cause perfect peace and happiness.


On earth, mans volition and will, causes only stormy times for everyone.Man cannot see into the future, nor can man seem to learn from the past. Arrogance and self interest seem to blind humanity in that regard.


Life in this world is difficult, disruptive, pressure filled and generally burdensome.


Life in heaven is a vast expanse of perfect peace, perfect clarity, with no counter attitudes (no lies), with no counter politics (selfish interests), with no deceit (ulterior motives), with no inordinate ambitions (arrogance).


Life on this earth is filled with mans sin nature and as such, many opinions, many agendas, many flaws. And when flawed man is in charge, then trouble is not far behind.  Therefore the need for controls, checks and balances, and such, over mans corrupt nature.Without these boundaries, then humanity becomes tyrannical, chaotic, and abusive.


In heaven, all sin and all evil and all things that run counter to truth, do not exist,and that is the picture of heaven, a vast sea of calm, clarity, with nothing hidden, because there is but one opinion, which is truth. But truth is supported by several principles, and for that, we will have to wait for tomorrows study.



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
