Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Revelation 4:3b





3 And[kai] he that sat[kathemai] was[en] to look upon[horasis] like[homoios] a jasper[iaspis] and[kai] a sardine[sardinos] stone:[lithos] and[kai] there was a rainbow[iris] round about[kuklothen] the throne,[thronos] in sight[horasis] like[homoios] unto an emerald.[smaragdinos]   KJV-Interlinear



3 And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance.    NASB



Surrounding the throne is a rainbow, like an emerald in color.The green shades of an emerald are emphasized here, and represent Gods production, green as from a garden, the fulfillment of His provision and promises. Gods provision and unlimited resources.Noah saw a rainbow, but his rainbow reflected all colors, Gods total essence and all three members of the Godhead - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Which is also, Gods promise not to destroy man ever again in the same manner of the flood as had just occurred.


This is the third stone in the High Priests breastplate, the emerald, green in color and related to the third son of Jacob, Levi, which means to be attached, to adhere, to join to, joined unto. And thus comes to reflect Gods joining of His promises to mankind and to reality, being made a reality as a result of the successful events of the Cross, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ.


This rainbow is of greens and shades of green. This rainbow, unlike the one Noah saw, is circular in shape.If you were to look at a rainbow from above it, it would appear like a circle. If we could view a rainbow from all angles simultaneously it would appear like a sphere, a ball, with all the colors sort of transparent and beautiful totally surrounding its contents. Its content is of course the throne of God, The entire realm of God, as seen by John.  Noah saw a half a rainbow - the promise.  In heaven we will see the completed rainbow, the reality of the promise, Jesus Christ, and His provision for our entire being.


God has left nothing to chance, either in history, or in yours and my individual lives.We should begin to relax in our daily lives as we have promises beyond anything that is attainable here on earth.


We should not attempt to impose our thoughts or beliefs on others unless they request it.  We should not get upset when others try to cause harm to us. Believe it or not, God is able to handle all situations in life that we will ever face.  We need to not feel guilty for our inability's or failures.Where did we ever get the idea that we were perfect?Where did we ever get the idea that God really needed our help? God uses you in a manner that He sees fit, and when His timing is right.We tend to get things all screwed up when we try to impose our priorities or beliefs, on others in accordance with our time line.


If we get upset because others do not believe as we do, or do not do as we do, then we have lowered ourselves to their level. For that is exactly how negative believers or unbelievers tend to behave.If, on the other hand, we take care of our own spiritual growth, and advance to maturity, then God will utilize us in a manner He has designed us for, and with better results.


The throne in heaven stands there, secure, and has for all of eternity past, present and future.  If has never changed.It is the ultimate, the highest authority over all of creation.


God deals from perfection and His works, His production, His provision, His grace, all are limitless, without boundaries, extending in all directions and complete.  Nothing is left to chance.  Nothing had been overlooked.  Everything in your life has been provided for. Every need, every situation.Your responsibility is not to get out and hustle for God, but to stand fast, study, learn, grow, and let God show you great and mighty things.


'Call to me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things.'


In the first three chapters we have seen the attitudes and failures of Christians, we have seen the promises and potential rewards of eternity for those who advance to spiritual maturity.


This is the devils world and as such it will be filled with hardships, and unfair circumstances. God is able to overcome all of these things and in the end of human history, He will show you just what you have been enduring and waiting for – great reward in the next life. This life is temporary. You just have to gut it out and persevere in Gods promise, which is intended for your future.


Look at the magnificent things in this world, and then look at the magnificent things in heaven.  There is no comparison.Heaven is phenomenal and infinite, while this earth is nothing more than dust.



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
